Chp. 43 - Goodbye Pt. 2

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I kept running. My feet dragging me where ever. With no destination in mind, or any source of plan. Nothing, just plain running. When I had realized that I made it to the gates, I was quite astonished and exhausted. I put my hands on my knees and try to recollect back to my normal breaths as I look back, wondering how the hell did I run that far to here.


But then again, when you're on a adrenaline rush, jumping off a bridge is your least worry.


The agonizing pain in my feet arises as I start to run again when I hear black SUV’s hitting the black pavement and heading towards my way. it stops in the middle to reveal all four bulky bodyguards that got out with ease and start running after.


“Miss Sterling, stop!” The said. More like ordered.


Judging by the quiet suburban side, the city must have been a decent fifteen minutes away. If you walked. I had no idea about the running estimate.


Or at the moment the sprinting estimate.


Although the sidewalks were very wide. Guess the tax paid off for making them. I struggled to keep up my pace and searching new directions for escape because whoever trained those bodyguard must be making a fortune because they were right behind my heel.


Reaching the outskirts into a town I had to squint my eyes to see if what I saw was in fact real, and quickly escalated to my infamous plans and quickly looked back as the bodyguards were a good thirty feet away.


Here goes something.


I quickly hopped into the open door the guy who had a bouquet of flowers in his hands and was putting in quarters to run the parking meter. My hands were trembling as I was finding the ignition and key to the car. It must have been the latest Honda car model so I after realizing today’s modern day technology, I finally found the button that started the engine and shut the driver door.


“Hey, my car!” The guy yelled.  I put the windows down as I said.


“Sorry, tell the bulky guys behind me that Logan will pay for a new car.” I said in one breath. At first the mid twenties looking guy didn’t believe me at first and was hesitant of deciding whether to call the police on me or to let me go. I look through the rear view mirror to see the bodyguards were not that far away and my patience was over the board.


“An Audi?” The guy questioning while raising an eyebrow.


Gold-digger. I thought.


“Yeah whatever.” I muttered and skipped the two second he did a happy dance and fished something out of his pockets as he gave me the keys that unlock/lock the car.


“Enjoy!” He said as he waved me goodbye.  I hurriedly said as I stepped on the gas and the tires screeched against the black pavement road.

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