capítulo 6

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"Bruno, please, slow down. You're going to make yourself sick. When's the last time you've eaten?" All he did was make intense eye contact with me and then sit up perfectly straight.

I looked to see him almost completely finished. "I'm so sorry. I'm so used to eating on my own since the family is always finished when I get done doing my readings for the day." He said with a chuckle, taking his time on his last few bites. "It feels... good... to have company. A-and the food. The food is also pretty amazing."

"Bruno... are doing okay? Do you wanna talk about anything? I know I'm a stranger, but... I'm stranger with good ears."

"I just... I just want my family to accept me." He folded his arms and laid his head on them sideways, staring at the wall. "Ever since I got this gift they've out casted me. I can't end droughts or make the days sunnier like my sister Pepa. I can't heal people with a simple slice of bread like my other sister Julieta. And don't even get me started on their kids! Dolores has super hearing, Isabela can make any plant in the world, Louisa seems to be very physically strong. All that I can do is disappoint people."

"That's not true." I said with a soft smile. "I think your gift is the most powerful. You may not see it, and nobody else may understand yet, but they will. You know things they couldn't imagine you knowing. All of the future paths one may take, all right here." I said, tapping his right temple.

He sat his chin on top of his arms and looked at me confused. "Whatever you say."

"Oh! By the by, I prepared my guest room for you!" I walked out of the kitchenette and waited for him to start following me. I open the door to let him inside, and he slowly started looking around. "It's not much, but it's better than nothing! I felt guilty for wishing you into a whole other universe, so the least I can do is give you a place to stay until we figure out what exactly is going on."

"T-thank you! Thank you so much." He said as he flopped on the bed. He hugged the softest pillow and wrapped up in the blanket.

I smiled and moved to the door. "Well, I have some tests to grade before tomorrow. I'll leave you to get some well deserved rest."

"O-okay. Thank you... again. I mean it. You don't need to be so kind to me."

"G-goodnight Bruno. I said with a smile. Does he really hate himself that much? That he thinks letting someone have the basic necessities to life is a great deal of kindness?

I decided to keep my word and pulled out my laptop, looking over all of the exam papers in front of me. I went through with my red pen and started comparing the answers with my key, making notes, and marking the incorrect questions. I started putting in the final grades and doing all my boring teacher stuff.

I stifled a yawn as I finished up, and by the time I put everything away, I was doing off on the couch. "Surely... one more night would hurt..." I mumbled as I curled up and fell asleep right there.

Yikes, another really short chapter... I'm working on making them a tad bit longer though, I promise.

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