capítulo 28

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We finished eating and generally enjoying each others company, but eventually we had to go back to Casita. As we neared, I heard the door slam closed and we couldn't get it opened. "Bruno, I think Casita is trying to keep us out or something." I said, tugging on the door.

He gently pulled me back with a smile, "maybe stop pulling? It's a push door, amor." He said with a kind smile, twisting the doorknob and leaning to push. He chuckled when it didn't open, giving me an embarrassed look. I crossed my arms and smirked.

"Mhm, exactly." As I said that, the tiles rolled us backwards, knocking us into each other. "Ow! Bruno that was my toe!"

"Sorry! Sorry. Did I hurt you badly?" He asked, genuinely worried.

I smiled and pat his head. "You can never hurt me, darling." I held onto his hand as we decided to take a seat on the tiles. We waited for a couple more minutes before the tiles jumped, making us stand. "Oka- Okay! We're going!" I laughed as Casita ushered us to the door. When I opened the door, the entrance was oddly empty.

"Maybe Casita didn't want us to get in trouble?" Bruno whispered. I nodded and we crept to his room like we had before. When we got near his room, I heard the door shut.

We both looked at each other and raced to his room. I noticed fresh sliding streaks down the mound of sand and stumbled looking foot prints, varying in size.

I grabbed his hand and practically dragged him to his bedroom. I threw the door open and the family jumped up. "Surprise!" Most of them yelled.

Mirabel stumbled over, Julieta hot on her heels to make sure she didn't fall, and she had a small gift in her hand. "For you, Titi!" She said. I grinned wider than before as she handed me the small box.

Inside was just a simple note: "Welcome to la familia Madrigal!" I read out. "Awe! You guys!"

"Dolores told us you said yes, so this was all last minute." Félix said, patting his oldest on her head. He had a wide smile, as did everyone else.

Even abuela was smiling as she made her way over. "We're so excited for you two, and we hope you can bring some new magical gifts to the family." She said, holding my cheeks.

I did what I could to play along, I couldn't upset any of the future. Especially since I do end up having kids with Bruno.

"Y/n," Luisa asked shyly, looking down at her feet, "I know Isa makes all the flowers and stuff, but can I be the flower girl at the wedding?" She asked.

I pulled her tiny frame into a tight hug, "of course you can! Thank you for asking, I wouldn't have been able to figure it out on my own." I said as I lowered her back down. She ran off to her sister with the good news, and I watched with a huge grin.

"By yourself?" Bruno asked, slithering up behind me. "Are you saying you don't want me to help plan our wedding?"

"No, no no no. That's not what I was-"

"I know, I know. Just thought I could tease you." He interjected awkwardly. I smiled and ruffled his wavy hair.

"That's my thing, don't steal my personality."

"But I love your personality. It's one of my favourite things about you." He said, taking my hand out of his hair and holding it. "Along with your smile, you eyes, your-"

"Blegh! Gross!" I heard Camilo shout. He's been getting a lot more sassy these past two years, picking up some phrases he hears from Bruno, Félix, or random townspeople.

"One of these days, you're gonna be like this with someone. I saw it once in a reading." Bruno said, scaring the small child to start rambling about how girls have cooties.

I'm starting to get MADDD writers block, so I might just skip to the wedding or make another small filler chapter. Idk man...

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