capítulo 13

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"So... Bruno... I have a question I never got to ask." I said as we both sat down. He put on his goofy little grin and held my hand.

"So ask me! I'm all ears."

"What... what are we? Are we dating, friends with benefits... I just... I just don't know. We don't have to put a label on it at all if you're not comfortable with it." He smiled and squeezed my hand.

"If it's okay with you, I'd like to officially say that we're a couple." I looked into his eyes, and they were genuine. I tackled him into a hug and couldn't wipe the grin from my face.

"I would like that too." I said into his neck. We stayed that way for a solid minute before I decided to break away. "I should get us something to eat. You're hungry, right?" I asked him, making sure  I wasn't alone in the feeling.

He simply nodded and stood up. "I wanna cook this time. I've seen you do it enough, and I feel bad when you do it all the time." He made his way around the island and pulled out pots and pans, making a mess of the kitchen.

"Do you want any help?" I asked, starting to stand.

"No! No, you need to relax." He guided me to my room and pushed me past the door. "You're not allowed out until I'm done. Just sit in here and cool off, I'll knock when it's time."

He shut the door before I could rush back out. I could easily open it back up and leave, but I decided to use the time to look nice. I know its just an 'at-home-date', but I still want to dress up for it.

I slipped into a short, form fitting red dress. It had a cross-body shoulder strap and a small tear-shaped cut out on the chest. To keep with the asymmetrical design, there was a opening on the opposite side of the torso. (The dress at the top, I love it too much not to use it!) I let my hair down, putting three clips on both sides to keep my hair out of my face. I decided to stay with the classic red theme and put on red lipstick. Then I used black eyeliner to create a small wing and put on mascara. I looked at myself in the mirror, worried. 'I hope it's not too much. I should ask Rose to bring Bruno something to wear, so he doesn't feel left out. I'm sure Vince has something old and fancy he could wear.' I shot my friend a text and then started pacing around my room.

"Oh, thanks Rosemary... its for what? O-oh! Okay... yeah... t-thank you." I heard Bruno through the door. A short while later, I heard him knock on my door. "Y-Y/n? I'm done!"

I opened the door excitedly, then stopped in my tracks. He was wearing a dark green suit, so dark it was almost black. The white shirt under his Herringbone blazer had three unbuttoned buttons. I couldn't help but stare at him. "Is this... is this from Rose? I've never seen it before." I said, finally coming to my senses and inspecting the clothes.

"Yeah, she said she was passing by a shop when you asked for it, so she bought it and brought it over." He said, staring at me like I had him. "You look... gorgeous... absolutely... amazing." He breathed out.

I stared into his eyes, and he eventually looked back into them. "Thank you. You look mighty handsome. Shall we go eat?" I asked with a smile. He shook his head to focus and followed me to the kitchen island. He pulled out a stool for me to sit on, and I gratefully complied. I watched him prepare two plates and set one in front of me, then sat his beside mine. 

We enjoyed our meal together, like we have so many times before this, but this time I felt more nervous. "So... Y/n... how's the food?" He asked nervously.

"Oh, I would like to pay my compliments to the chef." I said, turning fully to look at him and sliding my hand over his. I leaned in and watched him blush lightly.

"Well- well! I-I'm sure he would appreciate it." He squeaked out. 

I smirked and planted a kiss on his cheek, "I would hope so."

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