capítulo 21

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Bruno's POV (What?? No way?!)

I rolled over and stretched out. "That was quite the fall." I looked over to the love of my life, who was suspiciously unmoving. "Oh no." I quickly grabbed them and picked them up, carrying them back to the casita. "Help! Julieta! Julieta help! ¡Por favor, necesitamos ayuda!*" I yelled out as I neared the house. I wasn't far away, but I was stumbling as I ran. I was met by my niece, Dolores.

"Tío Bruno? What's wrong? Where have you been?" She asked, then she looked down at the person in my arms and our outfits. "Who's that? What are you wearing?"

"Dolores, something happened and I need you to get your mamá y tía. Okay?" I asked her patiently, touching her shoulder.

"You can count on me! But, I think they're both busy with Camilo and Mirabel." She said.

"Mirabel?" I asked, shock coursing through my body. "You mean... Julieta gave birth while I was away? I... I missed it?" I asked, struggling to not drop Y/n.

"You've been gone for a few months, tío. Where have you been? We've all been really worried. Mamá has been raining since after you disappeared. We weren't allowed to talk about you around her." She kept rambling.

"I-I see. Can you still get them for me?" I asked her again, trying to keep myself calm.

"Can do!" She rushed into the house and I went straight to the kitchen to wait for them.

"Oh dear, what if she tells my mamá? I'm not ready to face her yet." I started to pace after I laid Y/n down on the counter. I decided to distract myself by untying the bags from her arms. "I'm surprised these stayed with us. I wonder if..." I trailed off as I opened than and dug around, pulling out the dark green rauna I was searching for.

I shucked myself out of the coat and put on the rauna, rolling up my sleeves. I heard quick footsteps, and then slightly slower ones. "Dolores, you better not be lying. You know I feel when you bring up," my sister, Pepa, was cut off at the sight of me, "Bruno."

"Bruno!" Julieta exclaimed, rushing over to hug me, Pepa joining shortly after. "Where have you been? What does Dolores mean by- oh." Julieta said, noticing the body on the counter. "We'll talk later. Pepa, can you get them some spare clothes? Bruno, take these bags to your room." She started putting something together as Pepa and I followed her instructions. I started racing to my room before Casita stopped me.

"You want to take these to my room?" The tiles rattled in agreement and I sat the bags on the ground and watched them get swiftly carried up to my room. "Thank you, Casita." I said as I went back to the kitchen.

"There you are, dear. Easy does it. Here, eat this." I heard Julieta say to Y/n, walking in as she handed her something she just made. Y/n took a bite, and I watched their eyes light back up in the beautiful way that they do. "How do you feel?"

"I-I feel great! Thank you so much!" Y/n said with a smile, getting off the counter to stand.

"Y/n!" Their head snapped to where I was and they looked at me, confused.

"H-Hello? How do you know my name?"

Julieta looked at me with a slight grimace. "You mean you don't know this person?" She whispered to me.

I watched Y/n try to hide a smirk as my sister just glared at me. "Look! They're... faking it." As Julieta did turn around, Y/n put back on the confused act.

"Nah, I'm just joking. Of course I know who Bruno is." Y/n finally admitted, walking over and squeezing me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around them and squeezed back. Julieta just looked at us with confusion written over every feature.

Pepa eventually joined our sister, matching her expression. "What is going on?" She asked her.

"I think I know where Bruno has been." Julieta responded.

"Oh, right!" Y/n said, letting go of me and turning to my sisters. "I guess Bruno has been missing for some weeks. A couple months now, was it?" They turned to ask me. I just nodded and let them continue. "Well, Bruno was living with me! And this may seem hard to believe, but we were in another world. I hope it doesn't sound too ridiculous, considering you all have magical abilities and living inside a magic house."

As they said this, the house tiles rumbled in response and they smiled at it. "Okay okay okay. So what you're saying is: the night the stars fell, and Bruno disappeared, he ended up with you?" Pepa asked. We both nodded and the small cloud that was forming started to dwindle. "Huh. Who would've thought."

"So you guys understand?" Y/n asked, hopeful.

Julieta and Pepa looked between each other before looking at the both of us again. "Yes, we understand, and we're glad you're here. Y/n, was it? Welcome to la familia Madrigal*!" Julieta said, pulling them into a hug.

Their head turned to me, and I saw a tear slip down past their wide smile.

Okay I kinda loved this chapter. This chapter>>> I think it's my favourite rn AWOOG-

*Please, we need help!
*the Madrigal family

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