capítulo 22

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Your POV (and we're right back)

I followed Bruno to his room, but stop while going up the stairs. "Bruno... doesn't your room have, like, a million stairs?" I asked him. He stopped in front of me and turned with a smile.

"My prediction room does. I have a secret little bedroom." His face faltered for a moment while he grabbed my hand to walk the rest of the way up with me. "Although, I did have to add it myself because it didn't originally have one, but hey! It's there now!" He finished with a smile.

We entered his room and I noticed our bags laying on the ground right in front of the sand hourglass. I picked them up and put them on one arm. "Well, show the way, pretty boy." I watched the blush started sprinkling his cheeks as he quickly turned away and started walking through.

"Be careful! There's no stairs after!" He shouted back, even though I knew it was there. I peeked my head through and then slowly stepped through. My heels slid down the sand and I slowly lost balance going down. Bruno stood below me and caught me as I stubbled forward. "That was great! I should make it easier to get in and out of now, huh?" He debated, looking into my eyes.

"You would change your room for me?"

"It's least I can do, unless you wanted to live in one of the village houses?" He asked with an eyebrow lift. He knew what he was doing.

"Well wouldn't it be weird for me to instantly move in with you? I mean, the only people in your family who know me are you and now your sisters." I said while he led me behind the rocks beside the start of his staircase.

He opened the door hidden behind the large rocks and motioned for me to go inside. "They'll get to know you, mi vida. For now, we should sleep." He followed behind me and started shucking off his clothes.

"Oh, Bruno! I brought you these!" I dug through the bag I brought for him and pulled out the sweats, the photo album falling out right after.

"Thank you... what's that?" He asked, noticing the book. I smiled and handed it to him. "There's not a lot in here."

"Well, we can fill it up! With more memories here! I mean, I'm here forever now, aren't I?" I said to him, leaning into him. He wrapped his arm around me and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

He then sat down the book on a near shelf and fully hugged me. "I'm so glad that you are here. You make me so happy. I like you so deeply it hurts. It hurts so much when you're away from me, and if you didn't come with me, I was going to stay with you. Start a new life with you. Maybe... maybe get a job." I felt his lips move in the crook of my neck.

"Bruno, dear, that's a beautiful sentiment, but I wouldn't let you do that. You need to be with your family." 'Even if you end up leaving them anyway.' I thought the end to myself, not trying to upset the future.

He simply grinned and released me from the hug. I matched his smile and he started rooting through his wardrobe. "I think I have- aha!" He shouted, apparently victorious. " This is for you! something to sleep in."

He handed me a loose shirt and some pants that looked like they would fit me. "Thank you so much, I'll change right now." I said, trading off the sweatpants for the clothes he grabbed me. He turned around and started changing, and I copied him by turning around struggling with the corset. "H-hey, Bruno? I need your help."

"Anything for you." I felt his hands on my waist and I shuddered. "What do you need help with?" He asked, bringing his hands around to the clasps in the front. "Getting out of this?" He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Y-yes, I can't seem to get out. Mind undoing the latches for me?" I placed my hands on his and moved his fingers to the little latches. His fingers started slowing undoing them, and I felt more and more comfortable with each one.

He finally got the last one off and I breathed out heavily. He tossed the item to the side and turned me around. "Feel better?"

"I do, but now I have to get out of the rest of this." I winked at him. He put his hands up and turned around out of respect. I shimmied out of the loose fabric and tossed on the clothes he gave me. Without a word, I reached for his hair and started taking it out.

"Hey, what are you doing?" His hands flew up, stopping what I was doing.

"If you leave your hair like that, the waves will get ruined. You'll damage your hair." I said calmly. He thought about it for a second, but ultimately let me take it out in the end.

I ruffled his hair to fall more naturally, considering I didn't use much product, and then gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"You look good, Bruno." I said to him, admiring him. He hadn't put on a shirt, I don't know if he planned to, but I wasn't upset by it. I put my arms around his neck and he laced his around my waist.

"You look good too, Y/n." He responded. I didn't have the shirt he gave me fully buttoned, and the pants were hugging my legs. "Should we head to bed?"

I nodded, suddenly feeling tired considering the time of night. "Surely the family will understand us sleeping in just a little? Considering they don't know we're here yet?"

"Yes of course." We got comfortable under the covers and held each other close, scared to lose each other. I started thinking to myself. 'This feels like a dream. And I better not wake up until it's over.'

I'm once again at the bottom of a chapter 👁️👁️ Can you tell my love language is touch?? Jeez I <3 love writing clingy characters <3

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