capítulo 31

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I have never written a book as long as this because I usually give up at about 20 chapters, but the continuous support from y'all keeps me writing. Thank you <3

Over the course of the next week, I was able to convince Bruno to go on a trip with me. Nothing too far, just somewhere on the biggest mountain outside of the Encanto. "We can do whatever you want. It's just out of ear-shot of literally everyone," I emphasized with a wink, "and nobody but the family needs to know that we're there! Plus, I heard from a little rumor that this specific area can grant anyone their deepest wish for short time."

"So... it's like a huge wishing well?" Bruno asked me. He was sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed while he watched me pack a travel bag for the each of us.

"Um... sort of? I wanna go so we can see!" I encouraged, grasping his hands in my own and giving him my most pleading face. He sighed and nodded. "Yes! Oh my gosh, we can pick a nice clearing to set up camp. Ooh- and we can go foraging together!" I rambled excitedly. I peeked in his direction and we locked eyes. "Or we can give your mother what she wants."

"What she..." he drifted off as he thought about what I said. His large eyes got even larger as the revelation settled in. "Oh-oh! Y/n! I mean..."

"It's not like we haven't done it before, and this time it will consummate our marriage to each other." I held his face into my hand and gave him a soft smile. "But don't feel pressured into it tonight. We can wait for however long you wish to have kids."

He closed his eyes and leaned into the touch, I felt his jaw vibrate with his faint humming. He's started doing that recently when he contemplates something. I looked at him, expectantly, and when his eyes opened again, he smiled. "I just pictured us both as parents, I think I'm ready for it."

I grinned and threw myself on top of him in a hug, squealing. "I'm so happy! You're going to be the best father ever!" I said as I held him. He awkwardly held me as he laughed with me. "Should we start thinking of names?"

"Maybe when the babies are actually here?" He asked, slowly separating from me.

"Babies? Plural? As in more than one?" I sat up with a grin and lightly hit his chest. "Bruno-"

He sat up and his eyes shot wide. "No, I didn't mean- I just- wait-" I cut him off with a laugh, pulling him up to stand with me.

"Just help me pack, pretty boy." 

☆-the next day-☆

I stepped back from the tent that took us all night to pitch. "Y/n! Y/n I'm stuck!" I heard from a near-by tree. I had sent Bruno to get some wood to burn later tonight, but as I walked to investigate, I noticed him tangled in some thorns. I carefully removed his rauna from his body and he snaked out of the bush. I removed each individual thorn as he checked himself for any.

Once both were thorn-free, I finally spoke to him. "How in the world did this happen?" I asked calmly, not wanting to upset the man.

"W-well-well, I wanted to surprise you with some of these berries, but all of the ripe ones were in the back. So, I went to go get them, but I noticed I was getting caught in the thorns. I tried to get out and... and... well you saw." He huffed, crossing his arms and glaring at the bush.

I inspected it for a moment, before finally giving him a soft smile. "Darling, I appreciate your efforts, you know I do, but next time just ask me and I'll help you." I said, patting his shoulder. "You go get that wood and I'll get everything around for tonight, okay?"

"Okay." He agreed, making his way into a denser part of the trees.

The rest of the day was spent getting everything organized and ready for the rest of our week in the mountains. I never used to be a huge fan of the outdoors, but living in the Encanto allowed me to get out of my comfort zone.

I used rocks I found near-by to make a make-shift firepit. Bruno placed some dead leaves and sticks he found into the center, and lit it aflame with the matches he keeps in his shirt. He made his way back to where I was sitting and I leaned against his shoulder. 

"Y/n?" He asked as he placed a hand on top of my head, leaning on me as well.

"Yes, Bruno?" I responded, watching the night sky around the fire building up.

He pet my head as he hummed. "Do you... do you ever regret coming here with me?" His voice faded out, but not to the point where I couldn't hear.

I sat up and looked him in the eyes. "Bruno... we're literally married." His face had no emotion, and when I said that he focused on the fire. "Darling?"

"I-I know that. I know that we're married. I just- I've heard what you mumble when you're sleeping. I heard you talking to Mira and Camilo about Rose and Vince." He finally made eye contact with me, small tears forming along his water-lines. "Are you sure you're happy here?"

His voice cracked asking the question. I furrowed my eyebrows and held his face in my hands. "Of course I'm happy here. I'm just reminiscing in the past, because my past was with them. I grew up in that time, so of course all of my stories are going to be from then. One of these days, all of my stories are going to revolve around you. You, and me, and everything we've been through, cause I love you and I love being with you." I rubbed the tears that fell down with my thumb. "I swear to you, no matter what choice I made, I would have had regret in some part, but if I chose to stay, I would regret not being with you everyday. I would've forgot you being with me in the first place, so it's best I stayed with you, my dear."

He sniffled and held my hands against his face. "I love you too, mi vida. Thank you for staying with me."

"Of course, should we get to bed? It's been a long day already." He nodded and used my hand to wipe his eyes. I laughed and we scrambled to the tent. I put out the, now small, fire before joining him under the covers. "Hey Bruno, we should make a wish before going to bed!" I whispered into his ear.

"Of course, you go first." He whispered back, clearly exhausted.

I mumbled my wish, and then squeezed him from behind. "Your turn." I said excitedly. I felt his chest vibrate as he mumbled his wish, and he rolled over to hug me back.



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