capítulo 40

341 7 2

I shoved the door open, careful of the creak of the unused hinges. I slid down the pile of sand just outside the entrance, and darted to the bedroom.

Marisol's POV (<3 her) 

I was meditating in my usual spot in the village, just off a beaten up path on a tiny hill I made for myself when I first got my gift. I usually sit here to practice or watch my older cousin, Luisa, doing her chores of the day. She always seems so stressed out, and I sit in her way everyday hoping she asks for help, but she just gently moves me and goes about her business.

As I'm waiting for her to walk by, I see Mira trailing behind her. "Something... isn't right." I mumble to myself, hiding away in some bushes.

"Nothing's wrong!" Luisa shouts at Mirabel. I winced a little, not wanting to disturb the bushes and give away my position. She apologized to Mira, who just looked at her confused, then broke out into a song. It was about how she has this pressure on her and her insecurities as a result of it.

To say I felt bad would be an understatement. I listened to the song keenly, glad to finally know how she was feeling and why she never asked me for help. Like when they ask her to re-route the river? I can make three new rivers if they need, but I'm the eldest daughter of a "crazy" person and a man despised so much they dare not say his name. None of it makes sense to me, of course, but I'm perfectly fine with meditating the day away.

I vaguely heard Luisa inform Mirabel of something, but I heard my father's name during it. Something about a horrible vision and then him leaving? "But be careful, that place is off limits for a reason!" She warned her sister.

My eyes widened and I quickly darted from my place in the bush to deeper in the trees, taking an unseen path back to Casita. 'Gotta get bibi, got ask them what she meant.'

Your POV

I shuffled around the dusty, old bedroom, searching for something I couldn't quite find. I already had the jade tablet I originally came for, but I slowly discovered other things and quickly became distracted. I was now searching for the photo album Rose had put together for us all those years ago. It had all of our memories in it, and I couldn't seem to find it anywhere. Just when I was ready to leave, I heard a familiar squeal and tumble down some sand.

I peaked from behind the rock to see Mirabel, looking up all the stairs. I stepped out and joined her gaze. "Looks like a lot, huh?" I asked her.

"Wah- Titi? What are you doing here? I thought no one was allowed in here?" She questioned, spooked by my sudden appearance.

I chuckled and stood next to her. "Well, you know this used to be my room too, and if no one's allowed in here... what are you doing standing next to me?" She stammered an excuse and I just laughed. "I'm just kidding! I really don't care, and I won't tell abuela about this either. I promise. Also," I said before walking off completely, "if your tío was able to fly up and down these stairs, you're definitely gonna make it to the top." I winked and nudged her arm playfully.

"Thank you, Titi Y/n."

"Of course, Mirabel. Good luck!" I started up the sand pile as she started up the stairs. "Oh, and Mira!" I shouted before passing through the sand veil.

She turned to face me at her place on the stairs. She'd already made it pretty far. "Yeah?" She hollered back.

"You don't tell anyone I was here either." I dead panned. She hesitated before nodding, and I left. Before I fully reached my first floor room, I was stopped by Marisol and Landyn. "What-"

"Yeah exactly. We have some questions for you." Landyn addressed, pulling me into my own room. They both sat me on my bed and Casita brought two chairs in for them. "So, about our father." Landyn started.

"Why is his room off limits? Why does everyone think you're crazy? What's the real reason we can't talk about him? What's going on?" Marisol dumped in one breath. "Sorry." She said after steadying her gasps and returning to her quieter self.

"Don't be sorry, I understand that you two are going to have questions. I'm surprised you didn't want to bring Viv along."

They both looked at each other before looking at me. "Vi said she had somewhere to be today. We thought you knew where she was." Landyn said, avoiding my eyes. I popped up quickly, before I was pushed to sit back down. "She just said she'll be back for dinner and I'm allowed to check in on her." I calmed myself down, but it took a few minutes.

"Okay... okay... I'm ready to answer your questions."

"Finally!" Marisol let slip, quietly sitting in her chair. "Sorry."

"Don't be. The reason your father's room is off limits is because it's dangerous now, the stairs are loose and the bridge broke years ago. Let alone the fact that his cave is practically falling apart. Everyone thinks I'm crazy cause I'm not from the encanto originally, I just sort of appeared one day, at least that's the reason I know of. At first we couldn't talk about Bruno because of my grief of him leaving, but then everyone's grievances with him got released and they decided to permanently outcast him." They sat for a moment, processing what I just dumped on them.

Then Marisol looked between the two of us. "But that doesn't explain what's going on."

"All I know is that there's going to be a proposal tonight, and we need to be ready to be there. Go on, and please tell Viv to get home at a decent hour to get ready as well." I said to Landyn. They both nodded and left the room. I flopped back onto my bed and reached into my bag, pulling out the glowing slab. I shifted between the image of me crying, and the image of me with all three of the kids.

I now recognized the scene as that of Vivian's ceremony day. After she got her gift, someone said it wouldn't be useful to the family. They were wrong, of course, but it still hurt her. Her siblings stood up for her and we all gave her a hug after she calmed down. I wonder how different it would've been if Bruno were there then. Would people be too scared to say anything? Maybe so, but that's not what's important. He'll be back soon, I just have to be patient.


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