capítulo 27

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Bruno somehow found a proper frame for the slab, and we were once again home alone. Pepa and Julieta left their babies here with us, mainly because they saw the part of the slab where I was holding two children.

And that was how the next two years were pretty much like. Bruno and I obsessing over each other and watching over the house and small children. Every once in a while, people would come over for a reading and leave Casita pissed off.

After their readings, Bruno would pop in to the nursery to tell me what happened. I would reassure him that it wasn't his fault, but it was too late in life to thoroughly convince him of that. For the last year, Mirabel has been joining me in comforting her tío. Camilo would just sit there and mock the person Bruno would describe, causing him to laugh.

After Bruno and I turned 37, everyone started acting more suspiciously. Pepa was slightly more cheerful and Julieta had been asking me about my favourite cake flavours. Bruno was actually leaving the house more and taking trips with Agustín and Félix.

"Titi!" Mirabel called me. She didn't know many words yet, but she did know how to call her parents and the rest of the family. The only person she can't address is Isabela, who she called flores*.

I picked her up and held her as I took her to the nursery for a nap. "What's up, chiquita?" I asked her.

She gave a little yawn, and pointed behind me. I turned my head to see Bruno walking towards us. I gave him a smile and small wave and waited for him to catch up to us. "I see you're in charge of Mira again?" He asked me, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear as she drifted off.

"Yeah," I whispered, "Camilo is asleep already, Mira ran off to talk to Señora Alma." I filled him in. "She dropped her off not long ago and I gave her some fruit just a second ago."

"I see. Listen-" Bruno started, but was cut-off at the sight of Félix sitting on the ground with Camilo, who was now awake.

"Oh, hello you two!" He said excitedly, standing up. He gently took Mirabel from my arms and place her on her bed. "I thought you two could use a day off, so I'm gonna play babysitter!" He announced.

I looked to Bruno, who was actively avoiding eye-contact. I turned back to Félix with a smile. "Thank you, but-"

"No, I won't accept that! You need a break!"

"Bruno and I already-"

"Nuh uh. Shoo shoo!" He said, pushing us out of the door. "I'll see you two later." He said before shutting the door, winking at Bruno as he did.

I grabbed his hand and he looked at me, breaking whatever train of thought that was chugging along in his head.

"L-let's... let's go to town?" He asked me. I nodded and we made out way into the village. Once we got there, he immediately took the lead. We made our way to Julieta's table, and when she saw us her smile brightened. "Hi, Julieta."

"Hi there Bruno, Y/n." I waved at her and she reached under her table. "This is for you two." She handed Bruno a basket that was so full the top was partially open.

I looked between the basket and Bruno with a raised eyebrow. "Thank you!" He said with an awkward smile. She waved at us as we continued along the way. After awhile of just walked, he looped us back to Casita. We walked towards a mountain, and that's when everything started to click.

"Bruno, are you recreating our first date in Encanto?" I asked him, hugging onto his arm as we walked up the mountain. "That's really sweet." I complimented him.

"Well, I liked it." He simply stated as we neared the clearing. He opened the basket and pulled out the blanket, the same from our first date. He started to set things up, and when he was finished he motioned for me to sit next to him.

I planted my ass right next to him and leaned onto his shoulder. "This looks even better than the first time."

"Yeah... it does." He whispered. I turned to look at him, and he was already staring at me. He tucked a stray hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. "Listen, we've known each other for around two years now, and I want you to know how much you mean to me. Tú es mi amor, mi vida y todo mi mundo*." He moved to sit in front of me, and my brain started spinning. Sure, he talked like this all of the time, but something felt different. "The night I crashed through television, I never guessed we would end up here. I love you, Y/n," he said as he pulled something out of his pocket, "will you-"

"Duh! Of course I will!" I yelled, tackling him with a hug and giving him an excited kiss. We both sat up and I was giggling like a fool. He slipped the ring onto my finger and I admired it. To any other person, it would look like an average, old ring, but to me it meant the world. It was a beautiful silver band with a small rock embedded in the middle. I moved it around in the waning moon light, and noticed it went from a clear to a light green. "What's this?" I asked him.

"I had it specially made with the sand from my vision cave! Do you like it?" He talked like an excited puppy.

I planted another kiss to his face and nodded. "I love it, and I love you."

"I love you too."

*You are my love, my life, and my whole world.

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