capítulo 36

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I watched from a distance as another person ran down Bruno's stairs and out of his room, him following shortly after. "I just told her to make sure she feeds her goldfish or it'll die. I guess she thought it was immortal? Teenagers." He huffed.

People have been asking him for more reasons since the twins have been born. They saw he was a good father and assumed his visions weren't going to be bad, little do they know: I've had the worst yet.

Luisa had her gifting ceremony a year after they were born, and for the rest of the year she would flex for everyone. It was absolutely adorable. At one point, she tossed Bruno into the air and carried him around, making him squeal a little too loud for Dolores' liking. She scolded him for being loud, like she did to every she was close to.

When the twins turned two, Bruno and I welcomed a third child into our family. "Hello, Vivian?" I suggested her name to Bruno. He nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Vivian. A beautiful name for a beautiful little girl." He whispered, tears pricking his eyes.

The next year or so was spent preparing for Mirabel's gifting ceremony. Everyone spent time debating what her gift would be, except me. While they were discussing, I just smiled and avoided everything altogether. "Bibi*," Marisol mumbled to get my attention. "What do you think prima Mira's gift will be?" She asked quietly. When it came to personalities: Marisol was just like her father. She was quiet and reserved, while her twin brother practically spoke for the both of them.

"W-well... I think it's best we wait and see, right?" I played off, encouraging her to wait for tonight to see what's going to happen.

"I think you already know what's going to happen, don't you?" She said, still walking up the stairs next to me. For only being three, she was quite observant.

I slowed my pace and smiled at her, "I'll explain everything when you and your siblings are older. Promise."

"Okay!" She said excitedly, seeing her brother and darting off.

My shoulders slumped as I walked past the nursery door. I heard Alma talking to Mirabel, a sad smile on my face. The alarm went off, and I hurried down the stairs with everyone else. I joined the rest of the family by the stairs, taking Vivian from Bruno and holding her close.

Bruno took my hand and I noticed our twins standing at his feet, messing around. "You two better behave." Bruno whispered, ruffling their hair. Landyn scoffed and readjusted what was messed up.

The room eventually silenced as Alma made a small speech, and Mira started to walk towards the stairs. I squeezed Bruno's hand absentmindedly, a nervous look in my eyes. I saw him look at my face from the corner of my eye, but he just squeezed back instead of saying anything.

Then, it happened. Mirabel reached for the handle, and we all watched as the door slowly disappeared. Gasps were heard, followed by whispers. Mira looked back to her grandmother, a scared look in her eyes. "What happened? I'm confused." Landyn said, not wanting to be as loud as he usually is.

"Mirabel... doesn't have a gift." I finally said, making eye contact with Marisol. "But that's okay!" I reassured my own children, kneeling down to talk to them. "Just because Mira doesn't have a gift doesn't mean she's any less than you and I, and she's still apart of this family."

"You don't have a gift either bibi!" Landyn proudly observed. "Same as our tíos!"

"Exactly." I watched as Alma politely kicked everyone out of Casita. Julieta took a stunned Mirabel back to the nursery. "Let's get you two to bed, maybe you can comfort Mira, okay?"

I walked them up to the room and stood in the door. Julieta had already left, but Mirabel was still sitting up on the bed. "Oh- hi guys."

"Mira!" Landyn said excitedly, rushing over to give her a hug. "You did so good!" Marisol slowly made her way over and joined in the hug.

She hugged them both back, wiping her tears away when they couldn't see. "Thank you guys. Are you ready for bed?"

"Are you?" I asked her, making my presence known again.

She just looked at me and gave a silent nod. She helped Marisol get into her hammock while Landyn climbed into the bed.

"You know, Mira, I'm always here if you need me. If it feels like there's no one else in the whole world, I can be that one person for you." I said to her, giving her a hug as well.

She nodded into my shirt, and I felt that spot get a little wet from her tears. "Thank you, Titi Y/n."

"Of course, Mira. Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning." I gave all three of them a little wave before exiting the nursery. I looked up at the candle, seeing Bruno and Alma talking. "Oh fuck... I almost forgot."

Y'all... prepare yourselves...

*using "Bibi" as a replacement for aunt/uncle and mom/dad. I mostly use Titi for aunt/uncle, in case you couldn't tell.

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