capítulo 38

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10 years came and went exceptionally quickly. A lot quicker than I thought, anyway. After Bruno left, I sat the twins down and calmly explained the situation. I told them in the nicest way possible that their father is gone, but will come back one day. I did my best to raise them all alone, with the occasional help from the extended family also in Casita.

Landyn and Marisol soon became known as "The Silent Twins", especially since Landyn's gift is telepathy and telekinesis. Marisol's gift is terraforming, she mainly used her gift to contradict her Tía Pepa's weather and help the farmers. As for Vivian, she and Mirabel were always drawing together, and Mira helped her express her emotions through art. So it makes sense that her gift is that her art can become real as long as she allows it. Vivian also inherited her father's glowing green eyes, which freaked people out in the beginning, but she's a harmless child just trying her best. I raised these kids with the mindset that, to me, they'll always be good enough.

It's the day before Antonio's gifting ceremony, and pacing around my room. Everyone else is hectically preparing for tomorrow night, but I'm more nervous about the events that are going to happen after the ceremony. "If I remember correctly, there's something about a photo. Then... the candle? Isn't there something about Luisa?" I mumbled to myself.

"What about the candle?" Marisol asked, stepping into the room. After Bruno left, Casita made a new room on the first floor for me to stay in. Marisol dusted off some dirt from her clothes before taking a seat on the bed.

Even though she was the quiet twin, she talked to me more than my other two did. "Ah, nothing, were you practicing or something? You're covered in dirt." I quickly changed the subject, sitting next to her and brushing some grass off her.

"W-well... y'know... I was making some hills again." She trailed off, avoiding my eyes.

"Darling, were you out searching for your father again?" I asked her, holding her face gently to look at me. She nodded and I quickly pulled her into a hug. "Just be patient, okay? I promise you he'll come back. In fact-"

"He never really left. I know, you tell us that every time, but its been 10 years now. What if... what if he doesn't ever come back?"

"Well then," I started, pulling back to look into her eyes. They were hazel, just like the rest of the family, but with a bit more noticeable green in them. "He'd be breaking the rules. If he doesn't come back, I'll go out and search for him myself."

She sighed and humored me with a smile. "Of course you would, I'm surprised he had the guts to leave in the first place."

I stood and took her with me, giving her one last hug. "You and me both, dear."

The rest of the day was quick, I only came out of my room for meals and if it was necessary, and everyone else ignored me, too afraid I'd ramble about Bruno like I had the first month he disappeared. It's always been like that, Alma was just waiting for some excuse to ignore me, and now she had it. I wouldn't let her hurt my kids, however, so I did all I could to raise them right. It seemed all my work was for naught, as they, too, started thinking I was crazy.

The day of Antonio's ceremony soon arrived and I was awoken by rhythmic banging on my door. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, hearing Mirabel singing a familiar tune. 'Ah shit, we really are living in a musical-' I thought as I quickly changed my clothes and snuck into the kitchen for something to eat.

I watched as the family left Casita and made their way into the village. Mirabel was singing her song, introducing the family to everyone. She even introduced my three kids and myself, pausing almost unnoticeably when she mentioned Bruno. I was sitting under the shade, just outside of where Casita sat, reading a book and watching everything unfold. I watched as Marisol and Landyn separated from the town and made their way to the base of a near-by mountain.

I repositioned myself to face them and silently watched. Marisol shook her hands out and sat cross-legged on the ground. I watched as she started to raise the ground she sat on. As she did this, Landyn circled the small mass with a shovel as she thinned out the center. He eventually stopped cutting the mass, apparently getting all the way through it.

He started to raise the land mass, and Marisol stood, starting to look around. Landyn was raising the piece of ground higher and higher, and Marisol was frantically looking around. I closed my book and made my way over to them. I leaned over Landyn's shoulder, looking up at his sister. "So... what's she looking for?"

"Ah!" Landyn screamed, dropping his focus and his sister.

Marisol quickly caught herself by making a small waterhole to land in. "What the he- oh hi bibi!" She quickly went from scolding her brother to acting sweet and innocent. "What are you doing over here? We thought you were still inside."

I smiled at the two and ruffled the top of their heads. "Well, I decided to do something different today!" I turned back to Casita and saw everyone coming back to prepare the house. "Let's go back, I'm sure abuela will have something for you to do."

"Okay!" Marisol said excitedly, running off to the house.

Landyn stayed back, grabbing my hand like he would when he was younger. "Mari wanted help to look over the mountains. She thought she'd be able to see papá walking on them." He said using his gift. I sighed and gave him a side hug.

"It's gonna be okay. I appreciate you helping your sister, but I promise the wait will have been worth it."

"O-of course. I'm going to go help now." I nodded and let him go, seeing him catch up to his sister and rush inside the house.

tag urself I'm Landyn- /hj anyway, I hope you guys are liking this story cause... girlie might be the first one I've ever completed... 👀👀

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