capítulo 44

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Your POV

"Rose... I'm serious. Whenever I see or hear certain things, I get this crazy intense pain in my head. Like the worst migraine ever, but then there are some shouts in the back of my mind, and it goes away. Oh oh oh- and the fog around my vision has been getting worse! I went to my doctor, but he didn't believe me. I don't know what to do." I ranted to her over the phone.

"Well... I think... how long has this been going on?" She asked me.

I thought back to the first time I remember seeing fog in my vision. "The night the stars fell. So, about a month and a half now."

"A month and-! Okay okay- I think... just go to bed early tonight. Maybe then everything will be solved." She said, a sure tone in her voice.

"R-right... will do chief!" We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone, going to my room to clean up some laundry. It was pretty early in the morning still, so I could get a lot done before grading some papers.

As I leaned forward to grab something, I tripped and face-planted into all of my dirty laundry. I started to get up, but immediately fell back to the ground in pain; the headache wasn't as bad as before, but the dizziness was sickening. I held my head with my eyes squeezed shut and rolled to the side.

I rolled over once more and felt my back collide with hard ground, even though I was already on the ground. The pain subsided and I slowly opened my eyes, only to be met with an unfamiliar ceiling and no cloudy vision.

"Oh my gosh, dear, are you okay?" I heard a woman say.

I sat up, slowly looking at the person worrying over me, but I just saw a slightly aged Rosemary. "R-Rose? I- wha-" As I stuttered, everything that happened came crashing back. I stood up with help from the lady.

"Yes, my name is Rosemary Gray. I've been looking after you for the past month and a half." She informed me, a genuine smile on her face.

'This must be a different Rose, one that came here when I did.' "I've been asleep for that long?" I asked, the realization hitting, I thought it was just a short dream.

"Y-yes. You screamed a lot while in a coma, was everything okay?"

I smiled at her as she checked me over, eventually getting up and going into a room next to the one I was in. "Everything's fine now." I heard her hum from the next room and decided to start a conversation with her. "So... have you lived in the encanto this whole time?"

"Yeah," she half-shouted, "it was quite the surprise to my husband and I when you showed up and joined the Madrigals. One of my daughters even has an eye on your son, they were born the same time as Mirabel." She explained, finishing when she entered the room.

"Daughters?" I asked her. "How many do you have?"

"Oh- just two, twins. Thyme and Parsley!" She smiled as she handed me some bread. "This is from Julieta, dropped off just before you woke up. After you eat this, you should go back to Casita, they all miss you. Bruno especially. Sometimes, I would find him asleep on the floor beside you well after the rest of your family left."

"B-Bruno? He's back?" I said, swallowing some of the food. I was fully energized now, I guess all the magic's back. I hopped up and quickly thanked her, not stopping until she pushed me out of the door. "Thank you, thank you so much! Ouf- You should come over for dinner sometime!" I shouted to her as I walked away.

"Just come by and tell me the time!" She shouted back with a wave.

I ran the rest of the way to Casita, seeing everyone inside getting ready for lunch. I made eye contact with my husband as I entered the house. "Y/-?" I cut him off by tackling him in a hug.

"Bruno! My darling! My love!" I shouted, rolling on the ground with him in my arms. I got up and sat next to him, and he joined me in sitting. I had a goofy grin on my face, starting to cry a bit. He was crying more than a bit. I punched him in the shoulder; not hard, but enough to get my point across. "How dare you leave me for 10 years? And with three kids to raise, who all have a magical gift? I would beat the shit out of you if I could, but I'm not that type of person."

"Mi amor, I'm so sorry." He said with a quivering lip. Even after all these years, after all this time, he was still so handsome. "I'll never leave again! You'll never be alone I swear to it, please don't hurt me." He pleaded.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, but-"

"Bibi!" I heard a shout. I turned to see our children running towards us. If it weren't for Casita, we would've been tackled again. I looked into Marisol's eyes to see them red and puffy, with tears still falling out of them.

"Are you okay? Everything's back to normal, right?" Vivian asked, blubbering and sobbing.

I stood and helped everyone else up with me. "As long as the magic's back to normal, I'm back to normal." I said, giving her a tight hug, everyone joining in as well.

"Titi? You're back?" I heard Mirabel ask. Eventually, I was catching up with the rest of the family, finally feeling accepted by all of them.

I joined them at the table, filling them in on my almost two months in a coma. Every time I mentioned Thyme's name, I noticed how Landyn would look away or blush. "What were the Gray's like? Back then and in that place?" Vivian asked, innocently.

"Well... Rose and Vince I was very close to, I knew them back in school so, to me, they were kind, funny, and genuinely good people. As for their twins," I started, glancing at my son to see his reaction. "They're both just like their parents. Although, back then they were only eight years old, and they're both way into fashion."

"Rose and Vince were so cool!" Bruno pipped in, ignoring what I was doing. "Whenever Y/n wasn't home, they would come over and keep me company. They'd watch movies and cook with me and stuff!" He was super excited while talking about our old friends.

"So... Rosemary and Vincent were in your world too?" Julieta asked us. "Cause that sounds just like the Rosemary I know." She said with a smile.

We started talking more about the Gray's, mostly Bruno, Julieta, and I reminiscing about the past. "Oh, um... by the way, I hope I didn't over step, but I invited them all over for dinner." I said awkwardly.

"The more the merrier! Vivian even invited a boy over." Alma said, winking at Viv as she did.

"A boy?" Bruno asked her, leaning over the table towards our youngest.

She looked at everyone at the table before speaking, "yeah. It was supposed to be a surprise, but we've been seeing each other for a little bit now." She said with a small smile.

Marisol looked at the both of them, dumbfounded. "That is actually so unfair." She sighed out.

"Literally." Camilo huffed, shoving food in his mouth and pouting at the table.

One more chapter to wrap everything up! I hope this chapter was good!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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