capítulo 34

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"So... how long until know..." He trailed off. We had cleaned everything and I was resting my legs across him on the couch.

"It's gonna be a bit until we figure it out. I can ask Rose to drop off some tests tomorrow so we can check."

"Tests? What do you mean?"

I sat up more and watched his face. "Oh- um, pregnancy tests. They're little sticks that tell you if you're pregnant or not. You've gotta, um, piss on them." The corner of his lips fell as he held my eyes. "Yeah, and sometimes they can be inaccurate, so I'll ask her to bring more than one just to be sure."

He grabbed my hand and repositioned me to lean against him. "But we don't know how long we're going to be here for." He muttered.

"Well, considering we're still her after we've already seen Rose and Vince, I think we're going to be here until we have to go back." I assumed, hoping it was true.

I texted my friend and waited for only half an hour before she burst through the door, her twins in tow. Seeing Thyme and Parsley again after about two years, I realized how much I actually missed. They must've hit a growth spurt or something, cause they were almost as tall as Bruno and I.

"Thyme! Parsley!" Bruno called out, jumping up to greet the two. They just looked between each other and him, before their smiles grew wide and they hugged him.

"Uncle Bruno!" They both called out. They saw me, still lounging on the couch, and jumped over to hug me as well. "Bibi Y/n!" They yelled out as they did.

"O-okay!" I laughed as I moved the two around, making sure neither party would be hurt. "How are you two?" I asked them.

"We're tired." Thyme started.

"And we missed you guys a lot!" Parsley finished.

Their mother joined me on the couch and relaxed against the back. "You two saw them last night at their wedding. How much could you have missed them?" She sighed. Her head snapped to me with a grin. "The stuff you asked for is on the counter, by the way. Along with some other stuff I thought you'd want."

I smiled and hoped off the couch, using it as an excuse to stretch my sore muscles. I peeked into the little plastic bag, seeing one of every test she could find. There were also a couple of little snacks and a few non-caffeinated drinks in the bag.

I pulled out one of the drinks and started taking sips. "Thank you, like actually."

"Anything for my best friend." She said with a smile, standing up and taking her daughters with her. "We should get go, though. Vincent wants to take us all out for dinner later, so I've gotta get these two ready to go."

"Well then, I hope you all have fun!" I gave her a hug along with Thyme and Parsley. "Catch ya later, Spice Girls!" I said with a wave as they left.

"Spice Girls?" Bruno asked, breaking his silence and grabbing a drink out of the bag.

I shrugged, leaning next to him. "Yeah, it fits, doesn't it?"

"I guess so." He said with a small laugh. "So, are you gonna use these tomorrow?"

"I can." I moved from leaning against the counter, to leaning against him. He held me in a loose embrace and rested his head on top of my own. "You're so impatient. We could always wait a few weeks for actual proof."

"No, I'd rather know now. I'm not one for surprises."

Bruno? Not like surprises? Irony... also, maybe foreshadowing??

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