capítulo 9

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I spent the next day in my room, making up some exams for my students to take, and I could hear the distant sounds of a new show that Bruno was watching. It neared 6:30 PM and I was feeling hungry. I heard knocking on the door and rushed to answer it, but Bruno was already there. I hid behind my door to hear what was going on, wanting to hear Bruno interact with a possible stranger out of my own pure curiosity. "Thanks for this, Rosemary."

"Please, just call me Rose, you've earned that by now!" I watched through the crack as they advanced to the couch. "So, why did you ask me over?"

'He... are they...?'

I sat down, focusing on the conversation more. "Well, other than bringing dinner over?" They shared a small laugh and I slightly cringed at what Bruno said. "A-anyway, I need more information. What're somethings you and Y/n like to do?"

"Nah, I am not third-wheeling." I whispered. Rose glanced at my door while considering her options.

"Well... before Vince and I got really close, we would go to arcades and pretty much do everything Y/n liked. Although, Y/n and I were into the same things, so that makes sense." Rose answered honestly, trying to give him examples, but at the mention of Vince, Bruno seemed to get upset. "Bruno, are you okay?"

"Yeah, um, what are things you and... Vincent... do?" She blushed at his question and rubbed the back of her neck.

"W-well... we go on dates, to like restaurants and parks and stuff and do nice things for each other. Have you never... been on a date before? " He shook his head and she pulled him into a hug. "Oh, doll, I'll send you some stuff on Pinterest. Word of advice, don't make it too perfect. If you wanna beat Vince, you're gonna have to be creative." She winked at him and then left, setting a bag on the counter.

Confused, I stepped out and put on a fake face. "Evening, roomie! How was- Rose?" I feigned surprise at seeing my best friend in my kitchen.

"H-hello Y/n! I thought you were busy, s-so I came over to make dinner for you two." She smiled and held up the items. It was all ingredients for Bruno's favourite food. Without dropping my façade, I sat across from her at the island. I watched as she prepared the food and noticed Bruno take a seat next to me.

As he watched her, I side-eyed him, pretending to be on my phone. I noticed how mesmerized he seemed and it made me really uncomfortable. I knew he was doing something all those days I was gone, now everything made sense. Why he was so behind on his shows, why my landline was always in a different spot everyday, why he started using my old emails more frequently. He was keeping in contact with Rose. The only question I had, was for how she was interpreting it all. Surely... surely she wasn't having an affair with my roommate.

'Why do I feel so upset? Is it because my bestfriend might be cheating on her husband? Yeah, that has to be it, I feel bad for Vince. All these emotions are because she's hurting Vince, nothing else.' I shut off my phone and set it down, noticing she was finishing up.

She cleaned up after herself and prepared two plates, setting them in front of us. "Well, that'll be all from me. I've got to get home and take care of my twins." She smiled at the both of us, packing up and making her way to the door.

I chased after her and stopped her in the hallway, "now wait a second, Rose! You and Bruno... you two aren't... you're not-"

"Oh- u- uh haha! No, nothing is going on! He just asked me to come over and cook again. He didn't want to put more stress on your shoulders." I nodded and she left.

I re-entered my apartment and sat back down to eat. 'That would be reassuring if she didn't say 'again'... whatever, maybe it was an accident. It does seem like Bruno to be worried, however.' I thought to myself as I ate.

"Hey... Y/n? Are you okay? You seem kinda... dazed?" Bruno asked, leaning to look me in the eyes.

"I- I'm fine! Just thinking... about exams and stuff." I lied, cleaning my plate and placing it in the sink. I put the left overs in the fridge and rushed back to my bedroom. I slammed the door shut and sat on my bed.

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