capítulo 23

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I rolled over onto my back and let my eyes drift open. "¡Buenos dias mi vida!* How did you sleep?" Bruno asked as soon as I made eye contact with him. He was leaning over me beside the bed, a big grin on his face. I slowly sat up and pecked his cheek.

"I slept well, how about you?" I asked, standing next to him. I noticed he was already fully dressed and not looking at me. "Bruno? What's wrong?" I asked, fixing the clothes I was wearing to be more presentable to people.

I was tucking in the shirt loosely and looked at him, waiting for an answer. "W-well, I woke up a little bit ago. I slept well, and I... um... I talked to my family. Reconciled with them and told them the situation." He looked like he had more to say. His eyes were looking everywhere except me.

I grabbed his hands and kept my face in his line of sight. "And?"

"And... they want to meet you. It's almost lunch time and they didn't wanna start without you."

I held his chin and he finally made eye contact with me. There was guilty gleam in them. "Oh, darling, do you think I would be upset about that? I'm excited to meet your family!" The corners of his mouth upturned and I planted a small kiss on them. "Now let's go, I'm starving!" I took his hand and he followed me as we made our way out of the room. 

As soon as I walked through his magical door, I was face to face with a small girl. "Hello."

"Well hi there!" I put my hand out for her to shake and she stared at it. "I'm Y/n! What's your name?" I asked her kindly, already having a guess on who it was considering the tight coils on top of her head.

"I'm Dolores. Everyone is waiting on you." She quickly shook my hand and scuttled away, her red skirt flowing gently as she did.

Bruno grunted as he appeared behind me, "I think I stubbed my toe on the way out." He mumbled. I looked over and saw him holding his foot, leaning against the doorframe. He slowly stumbled down the small set of stairs to stand next to me.

"Okay then, boss man." I said with a light laugh. I helped him down the stairs next to his room until he was able to walk without complaining.

He led me outside where the family was starting to take their place at the table. "Oh my, are you Y/n?" I turned to look at the woman saying my name; Alma Madrigal. Bruno and I made our way closer as I nodded. She invited us to sit to the right of her and she stood in front of her seat at the head of the table. "Today started off a little rocky, but no matter! Bruno is back, and he brought back a partner with him." She announced, saying the word with an almost distaste to it.

I shuffled in my seat at her uncomfortable stare. "It's okay, amor. She hasn't met you yet, she'll love you." Bruno whispered to me as Alma sat down. I nodded, feeling too awkward to speak.

"So... you were living with my son the whole time he was away?" Alma asked, not looking at me while talking.

"U-um, yes. He kinda just... dropped in." I chuckled to myself, but stopped as I notice her not reciprocating. "I spent most of my time with him getting to know him, he talked about how much he missed you all." I lied at the end, hoping she would believe it.

She seemed to, considering the small smile she wore. "I'm glad to hear it, what else did he do while over there." She inquired, finally making eye contact with me.

"You already know, mamá, I've already told you." Bruno sighed out, slightly annoyed. She didn't seem to notice, the annoyance only audible to me. "Y/n must hungry right now, we should let them eat."

And so we did, until a little girl with pigtails made direct eye contact with me. "Are you going to marry our tío?" She asked bluntly. Bruno choked on his food and Julieta glared at her like a mother tends to do.

I patted Bruno until he coughed up the food as Julieta scolded her, "Isabela! You can't just ask these things to people you haven't met before!"

"I-it's alright, Julieta, she's just a child." I interrupted, hoping I could save her from getting reprimanded too harshly. "As for your question, I don't personally know." I said with a smile, addressing her question. I held Bruno's hand under the table, giving it a light squeeze.

The rest of lunch was mostly quiet, besides the few questions of how we met and what we did together. Eventually, everyone left with Alma to the village, while Bruno and I stayed back to clean up the table.

"Bruno, why don't you go with them? Are you not allowed to help?" I asked as I stacked plates to take inside.

He stopped wiping off the chairs to look at me. "No... it's just... no body really needs my help, if they do they talk to someone else in the family and get invited over. I'm... they think I'm scary or whatever cause I told the priest about his balding."

I scoffed out a laugh and walked over to him, placing my arms on his shoulders. "You? Scary? As if! You are the cutest thing I've ever met." I tapped my finger on his nose and started to walk away. He caught my arm, pulling me back. "Brun-"

He cut me off by kissing me, holding my waist with one hand while the other held my hand. When we stopped, his eyes were half open and looking at me lovingly. "I could be scary, only if you really really want me to." He accentuated the second 'really' by tilting my head up with his fingers curled under my jaw and a thumb on my chin.

It was really hot.


*Good day my life

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