capítulo 15

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The first thing I did when I got to work the next day was check my email. I went through all the things students have sent me about exams, then I sent out a confirmation email to those who don't need to take it and who do. Then I saw an invitation email from the school counselor. 

'Hello faculty and staff!

With the upcoming exams, graduation, prom, and other important school events (let alone what you may be doing outside of school), we're all in need of a break. Usually, this event takes place the same weekend as prom, but maybe we can make it a bit sooner!

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm talking about the annual staff party! For all our new faculty: this is a dance the school board and I have put together for you guys to relieve your stress and just have a good time!

Feel free to bring a friend, a date, or whoever (or no one at all, we won't judge). Hope to see you there!

~ Sarah Ann Williams ~'

I smiled and wrote myself a sticky note reminder for the date, next weekend after exams, and to invite Bruno to it. I loved the dance, and I used to bring Rose before she had her twins. After they were born, however, I started going alone and hanging out with my work friends.

My students walked in and started getting things ready to take notes. "Good morning everyone!"

"Ooh... someone's happier than usual. Cause of that new roommate?" One of the students in the back asked. "Are you gonna take him to the staff party?"

"I-I, listen," I stuttered, "maybe I am, who knows? The only thing you all need to worry about right now, is what's going to be on your exam. Especially you." I said to the student who asked the question, obviously joking.

☆~ later that day ~☆

"Bruno! I have some exciting news!" I announced as I sat my bags on the counter. "Bruno? Where are you, my dear?"

I walked to his room and pressed my ear to the door, listening for his tell-tale muffled shows, but there was nothing. I sat on the couch and stared at the, still shattered, TV. Eventually, the front door opened. I jumped up, expecting to see Bruno walk through the door, but it was Rose. "Hey there, expecting someone else?"

I looked at her confused, making my way over. "Yeah, actually. What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit?  Who were you waiting for?"

My eyes widened at her question. 'Clearly she doesn't see Bruno, she knows he isn't here. Unless... he got sent back? I shouldn't remember him then, right?'

"Y/n... are you okay?" She touched my shoulder, looking concerned. Then she looked around, "where's Bruno? I need to talk to the both of you."

I looked into her eyes, tears pricking the corner of my own. "I don't... I don't know where he is." She pulled me into a hug and started rubbing my back.

"We'll find him. He couldn't have gone-"

"Well hello there ladies. Looking for us?" Vincent asked, standing in the doorway. Thyme and Parsley raced through, dragging someone behind them.

"Come on Uncle Bruno! We wanna play Jenga!" Thyme yelled, pulling the grown man past me.

"Yeah, you promised in the car! And we behaved! We really did! Daddy even said so!" Parsley added on. The two 8 year olds made it halfway to his room before he managed to stop them, with help from Rose, of course.

"U-uncle?" Bruno stuttered out as they released his grasp on them.

"Bruno!" I yelled, tackling him into a hug. "Where the hell have you been loca?"

"Don't reference Twilight to him." Rose responded as I lightly punched Bruno.

"Well, he just kinda disappeared! I would say other things, but Vince brought them." I gestured to her children. I pulled away from Bruno and we all gathered around the table.

"Bibi Y/n, what happened to your TV?" Parsley asked.

"You don't remember? Uncle Bruno and Bibi Y/n were playing the Wii without the wrist straps on!" Thyme responded for their mother. 

Bruno and I both blushed at the way they addressed us. Rose and I were sitting on the couch on opposite side of the twins, leaving the two men to sit on barstools they pulled over to the table. I notice Vince put on a shit-eating grin as he nudged Bruno's side, mouthing the word uncle.

"So," Rose started," how did this happen?" She vaguely gestured to the four of them.

"Oh, I called here while Y/n was out cause I wanted to talk to Bruno. We arranged for me to pick him up and we had a discussion at our house. Then, when I told the twins I had to take him back, they insisted on coming along to visit Bibi Y/n." 

"What did you guys talk about?" I asked, genuinely intrigued. "Surely not..."

They both just nodded. "Everything should be ready next weekend." Vince said. The twins looked between us all confused until Rose and I gave each our phone.

"But, what about the dance?" I asked Vince. "That's also next weekend."

"I'm sure you can still make it, but I wanna get him home as soon as possible."

I nodded and Bruno made confused eye contact with everyone. "A dance?"

"Y-yeah. The school I teach at holds a separate dance for the staff as a way to relax. I was gonna ask if you wanted to go... as my date?"

"Ooooh!" The twins said, awaiting Bruno's response.

He nodded and tried, unsuccessfully, to hide his blush. "I would like that, I would like that a lot, actually."

"Okay kiddos! Time to go and leave these two to figure out what they're going to wear."

Thyme popped up and raced to my room. "Thyme! What are you doing?"

"Finding a dress for Bibi! We all know they have trouble picking!" Thyme yelled as she entered my room, Parsley followed shortly after.

I shrugged and let them dig through my closet, I didn't really have anything to hide in there, all my private things were put on high shelves in boxes they can't reach.

"Aha!" Parsley yelled around 10 minutes later. They both then appeared in front of us with one of my old dresses. "This one is perfect! And if Uncle Bruno wears nice pants and 'spenders, you two will be so cute!" She squealed.

I blushed and looked away. The two parents hurdled their kids out of the door, apologizing and saying goodbye. 'I don't know why they're saying sorry, that's a good dress...' I thought, glancing side-long at the dress Thyme and Parsley left on the couch.

I wonder what the dress is gonna be... idk~~

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