capítulo 37

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I paced behind the large rock, eventually hearing the door and the displacement of sand. I hid myself further behind said rock, watching silently as Bruno walked up his stairs. I heard Vivian cry from inside our room and gave him one last look before rushing in to take care of her. Before I made it into the room, I noticed him turned to watch as I made my way over.

I held her close to me, all of my emotions catching up to me. "Maybe the story will be different. Maybe his vision was wrong this one time." I whispered to my youngest daughter. She didn't know what was going on, the twins aren't here to know what's going on, Bruno doesn't even know what's going to happen.

She calmed down after more than half-an-hour of me bouncing her, eventually falling asleep in my arms. I placed her gently into her crib and crept out of the room. I watched Bruno quickly make his way down the stairs before stopping right in front of me. "O-oh- um- hi." He stuttered out. I followed him back into the room as he frantically moved around the place. "I thought you already went to sleep." He said, still not looking at me.

"Why? So you wouldn't feel as guilty leaving?" I asked him, not raising my voice or letting my tears fall.

He stopped what he was doing to look at me, his eyes wide with surprise. "Wh-what? What are-"

"I know, Bruno, I know you want to leave. I know what you saw earlier, the vision you had with Mirabel." The tears started forming against my best wishes, but he didn't notice.

"But you were down here the whole time!" His voice started to raise, getting shakier with everything he said. "How do you- is this... wait, wait, wait." He stopped talking, letting his brain catch up with everything.

I walked him over to the bed and sat next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Back in my universe, when I told you I knew you from a movie. This is part of that movie." I let the tears fall freely. He pulled me into a hug and let me cry. "You don't have to leave... please don't leave." I whispered through the tears.

"Y/n... I can't stay here. All I do is mess everything up. That vision... it was terrible." He separated from the hug and stood in front of me. "I love you and our children dearly, but I have to leave for everyone else. For you all, the rest of the family, and the encanto as a whole." He explained, gesturing around.

I followed him out of the room, pleading with him to not leave. "Bruno, you don't have to leave! We just don't have to tell anyone what you saw!" I stumbled while crying, eventually grabbing onto his rauna. "What about our family? Your kids! M-me? Are you really gonna just disappear without a word to them? You want to miss their gifting ceremonies? Them growing up?" He stopped and I fell to the ground.

He leaned in front of me and planted a kiss on my forehead. "I'm sorry, mi amor, but I won't be far." I looked into his eyes, he was crying just like I was. "Please, just forget about me? Find someone else and get out of this family." He gave me another kiss before walking off.

"Bruno!" I screamed after him, not leaving the spot where I had fallen. "Bruno, please! I'll wait for you! Everyday!" I cried out.

I heard the door close and hugged my legs to my chest. Then I heard Vivian crying again. I took a deep breath and prepared to be the best single parent these kids would ever see.

Only a little bit of angst...

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