Not A Joke|JenLe

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Jeno x Chenle

As usual, Chenle gets pulled into a hug by Jeno. Feeling playful, he pretends like he wants to get away from him but Jeno just tightens his arms. Chenle grins as he looks at Jenos face.

Jeno has always found Chenle cute and it wasn't a secret to anyone (not that he could hide it if he wanted to) but somehow, he's getting even cuter.

And making him want to be more affectionate than he already is.

Knowing he probably won't think anything of it, he presses a kiss to his head and he releases him. Chenle makes a show of looking disgusted and attempted to rub the kiss out of his hair to not only joke but cover up the fact that he liked it.

Getting an idea, he walks over to Jeno and presses a kiss to his head like he'd done to him. Jeno recoils in shock, eyes widening and head tilting in a way that makes him look more adorable than he already is.

Chenle bursts out laughing at his reaction. Jeno sighs, shaking his head.


This time, Chenle is in the kitchen when he's ambushed by a hug.

"Why do you keep hugging me? Do you like me?" He asks with a smirk.

"Yeah", Jeno replies, nonchalantly, smiling as he walks past him.

"Huh?" Chenle asks, confused and panicked.

Jeno laughs at his reaction. "Your face."

Chenle rolls his eyes. "I thought you were serious."

"What would you say if I was?"

"You don't like me so you don't get to know."

"I like you."

"You're lying."

"What would you say? I want to know!"


"I'm curious! If you tell me what you'd say, I'll tell you what I'd say."

The offer peaks Chenle's interest. He would like to know how the blue haired male would respond to a confession from him.


"Awesome, tell me!"

"First, I'd obviously keep teasing you about it and not let it go. Maybe flirt with you a little bit and then ask to hangout and then in the middle of it, call it a date to watch your reaction and then officially turn it into one cause I'd wanna know how we'd work out." Jeno nods. "Now, what would you say?"

"Tell me the exact words I'd have to respond to."

"I like you."

"I like you too."

"That's it?"

Jeno nods and Chenle turns back to the dishes, obviously unsatisfied with the males answer.

Jeno chuckles and turns him to look at him. "I don't think you understand me."


"I said I like you."

"I know what you said, I'm not dumb."

"Yet you don't realize this is a real confession."


"Yeah so now you can tease me, flirt, try to fluster me by calling a hangout a date and take me on an actual date. Or let me take you on one."

Chenle's head is spinning. Just ten minutes ago, he's been sure his friend only felt platonically and he'd just have to get over the growing attraction and possibly crush he was having on Jeno.

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