Perfect On Paper|RenLe/JenLe

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Chenle x Renjun/Chenle x Jeno

How are you?

Chenle stares down his phone, waiting for a reply and waiting to see if he's wasting his time.

Pretty good. I went grocery shopping
and got a few of my favorite snacks

Chenle feels stupid before he even replies, but he knows he's never very smart when it comes to Renjun.

Oh, which ones?

Here, I'll show you
I love these :)

Those look good
Did you just get back from the grocery

It's been like 20 min

What are you doing now?

I'm watching a show and enjoying my
snacks :)

Chenle waits with an annoying amount of hope that maybe, just maybe, Renjun will ask about him. But then five minutes go by. He assumes it's because Renjun is focused on his show or doing anything else. And then ten minutes go by.

With a sigh, he continues playing a game on his phone, trying to make himself forget about talking to Renjun.

And then twenty minutes go by and Chenle feels more crazy for not being able to just move on.

He begs himself not to text Renjun, not to be the one seeking a conversation this time. But he's pathetic and he wants to talk to Renjun, even though sometimes it hurts.

What show are you watching?


"I don't wanna do this anymore. I wanna stop liking him."

Jisung looks at him curiously. "Why?"

"Because he doesn't like me and I'm driving myself nuts about the fact that I want his attention and he doesn't give a fuck about me."

"You're friends, aren't you?"

"We're supposed to be", Chenle mumbles.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"He never asks about me."


"When I ask how he is or about his day or to fucking tell me something about him, he never asks about me."

"Wait, what? He doesn't ask how you are?" Chenle shakes his head. "That's basic manners. Has he ever asked you any of those things?"

"He asks about my day sometimes but not all the time and he asked me to tell him something about me once. I don't even remember with 'how are you?'"

"Um, what the fuck, Chenle? Why do you like him?"

"Because he used to show more care about me. He can make me feel really nice but I have to do it first." Chenle begins to pout. "He stopped."

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