My Idiot|XiaoYang

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Xiaojun x Yangyang

"I like you, okay? Now that I told you, leave me the fuck alone, alright?"

"No, now you're gonna listen to me."

"I really don't want to."

"I don't give a damn. Listen."


"I don't wanna leave your dumbass alone." Yangyang rolls his eyes. "Cause I like you too."

"Wait, what?"

"Finally, your pea brain realized."

"Will you stop fucking insulting me? Hold up. You like me?"

"That's what I just said, moron."

"Is your love language insults?"

"Only when it comes to you."

"How romantic."

"Yangyang", Xiaojun says, taking his hand in his and stepping closer before looking up into his eyes. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Yangyang clears his throat and looks away, hoping Xiaojun doesn't see his flushed cheeks. But of course, he notices and chuckles.

"You look cute all shy like this. You should look like this more often, hm?"

"Shut up."

"No. I like you and I'm gonna keep telling you until you agree to date me."

As if he doesn't have control of himself, he blurts, "What if I don't wanna date you? What if I only want to be friends with benefits?"

The panic sets in Xiaojun but he doesn't let it show, settling to keep his expression as blank as possible before raising an eyebrow. "Do you want that?"

The younger male looks down, not being able to stand looking at the guy in front of him. "What if I did?"

"I don't want that. What's going on?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong."

Xiaojun glares. "Don't lie to me. I know you and I know when you're lying."

The last thing Yangyang wants to do is admit the problem. He was hoping he could hide but as usual, to the older male, he's transparent.

An uncomfortable silence settles around them as they both wait for Yangyang to say something. He tries to think of an excuse but nothing comes to mind except the reasons why he won't say yes to Xiaojun. His fears.

"I'm scared", he finally admits.

"Of what?"

"A few things about this actually. The commitment. Not that I can't do it and be loyal, it's just a responsibility I'm not used to and I'm not sure I'll be good enough. And that kinda ties into the other things. I'm afraid you're gonna leave me. I'm afraid of everyone doing that actually. That's why Renjun whispers to me sometimes, he's reassuring me."

"What else?"

"I'm scared of love. I don't know if you noticed—but you probably did but I never say "I love you". I'm scared of what happens once I let people know that. And it's fully allowing myself to know that's how I feel."

Another silence falls over them, making Yangyang fiddle with his fingers anxiously. It was nerve-wracking not knowing what Xiaojun was thinking and worst of all, he was overthinking.

One of the reasons Yangyang didn't wanna say anything was because he was afraid of how someone would react to hearing his worries.

After a while, the older one speaks up. "How can I help?"

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