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Jaemin x Jisung

The first time Jaemin and Jisung kissed was an accident. Or that's what Jaemin has convinced himself for the sake of his sanity. Same thing for the second time. 

Unfortunately, the third time is a lot harder to take as an accident. Jaemin could say Jisung slipped and their lips just happened to collide but he hasn't been able to forget the tension from when their eyes met or the way Jisung was looking at him and the way Jisung's gaze went down to his lips and the fact that Jaemin might've leaned in. He hasn't been able to figure that one out yet but he figures it's less important than the fact that he and Jisung kissed. Again.

Jaemin is still thinking about it when Jisung finally emerges from his room, dressed in his casual going out attire which consists of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a zip-up hoodie, all black. 

There's a squeezing feeling in Jaemin's chest because throughout all that thinking, he hadn't figured out what he was going to do when he saw Jisung again. He can guess what Jisung is going to do, just act like nothing happened, and Jaemin should do that too but he has no idea how.

Jisung walks towards him and Jaemin tenses up even more, hoping his face isn't betraying him. Jisung studies his face and Jaemin makes a point to not let their eyes meet for longer than a second, looking everywhere on Jisung's face, which isn't much better than if he'd let them make eye contact. A hand on his cheek brings him out of his current panic into an entirely new one when he realizes how Jisung is looking at him. Jaemin both loves and hates how easy it will be for him to convince himself that's not a look of love on Jisung's face.

But then Jisung leans in and kisses him and just like he'd done after their third kiss, he smiles when he pulls away. It's gorgeous and painful.

"I'll be back later."

Jaemin nods and he thinks about letting it be but without really knowing of his decision, he blurts out, "Why do you keep kissing me?"

And no, that doesn't sound like the right question for two "accidental" kisses out of a total four but Jaemin blames it on the fact that he doesn't really know what's going on.

Jisung stops in his tracks and turns to face Jaemin, eyebrows pinched together. "Do you not like it?"

Jaemin blinks, because what? Taking a deep breath, he says, "I didn't...say that but...why?"

"Because I like you?"

Okay, what the hell. "What?"

And for some reason, Jisung looks even more confused. "I told you this."


"Jaemin, do you seriously not remember? Do you remember anything I said to you?"


Jisung sighs and ruffles his hair as he moves onto the couch besides Jaemin. "Do you remember when I got drunk a few weeks ago?" Jaemin nods. That was when kiss number one happened. "Okay, do you remember the morning after that? You were laying down here but you were awake and talking to me."

Jaemin nods slowly. "I remember talking about breakfast and you said you loved me for some reason."

"Yes!" Jisung exclaims before his expression deflates into something close to disappointment. "You don't remember what I said?" Jaemin hates that he has to shake his head but he's honestly really confused. Jisung sighs again. "Okay, well do you remember what happened when I was drunk?"

"Yes, I remember", Jaemin says, wondering if after this, he'll need to try even harder to forget.

"Okay, what happened?"

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