Date Me|RenMin

700 6 18

Renjun x Jaemin

"I need a boyfriend!" Renjun exclaims, bursting into the gym.

"Awesome. Go get one", Jaemin tells him, causing the ravenette to roll his eyes.

"I need a fake boyfriend so it needs to be someone who doesn't and won't like me."

"Um, why?" Haechan asks. "Can I volunteer?"

"No, not you!"

Haechan pouts. "Why not?"

"You already act like we're dating. I'm not giving you permission to actually do the things you do."


"So, why do you need a fake boyfriend?"

"My parents want to set me up with people and-", he shudders, "-girls. They said I have a week to find someone for myself or it's horrible dates back-to-back until I finally like one of them."

"Are they only setting you up with girls?"

"A majority, I'm sure. They're such liars saying they accept me and don't mind me liking boys and then being like "there's a girl, you know this girl? There's a female". It's so annoying."

"You know do realize your parents know us, right?"

"Yep", he answers, popping the 'p'. "That's why I'd prefer one of you-not you Haechan. They think I like one of you guys and I just find it funny if I tell them I'm dating of the guys they're worried about it."

"Who's worried?" Jeno asks, walking in, followed by Mark, Chenle, and Jisung.

"Wanna date me?"

", why?" Jeno answers, settling himself on the bleachers, a few seats away from Mark.

"I need a fake boyfriend!"

"That's easy. Jaemin."

The pinkettes eyes widen at his friend. "Why me?"

"Cause it's believable. Everybody thinks you have a crush on Renjun-which we know you don't-so there's not really an issue. You're affectionate anyways so it's not like you're gonna be uncomfortable."

"Yeah, pretending to date one of my best friends who I don't like isn't gonna make me uncomfortable at all", Jaemin deadpans.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to", Mark tells him and then shrugs."It would just help Renjun."

"Why can't one of you do it?"

"I'm interested in other people who I'd like to know I'm single."

"I, uh, don't like boys so I'd be bad at faking this."

Jaemin rolls his eyes at the older boys excuse. He may not like boys but he was platonically whipped for Renjun so it wouldn't be that hard.

"I don't like Renjun", Chenle says, giggling, earning a smack from his friend.


"I, er, also kinda like someone."

The statement makes Chenle laugh even more, amused by his friends shyness.

"So I'm literally the only option here?"


"Fine, whatever. I hope you know you owe me."

"Thank you!" Renjun squeals, throwing his arms around the pinkettes neck, hugging him.

Jaemins hands slowly move to his waist and then around him as he looks up to Jeno. He gives him a look and then mouths something that's hard for Jaemin to make out. He squints and then his eyes widen as Jeno points at the two.

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