One? Why Not Both?| NoRenMin

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                Jeno x Renjun x Jaemin
Jeno's eyes crinkle into tiny crescents as he smiles at his happy boyfriend.

"La, la, la."

His attention snaps up to his best friend as he approaches them singing. Jaemin places his pineapple-shaped cup down on the small wooden table between him and Renjun as he sits on the long beach chair before handing Jeno and Renjun the sodas they requested.

Jeno stares down his can and eyes Jaemins fancy cup. "Wow, I feel so special."

Jaemin shrugs, eyes closed as he sunbathes. "You asked for a Coke."

"What are you drinking?"

"Peach lemonade."

"I want some!" Renjun sits up, pouting.

Jaemin groans. "Why did you ask for Coke if you don't want Coke?"

"Just to annoy you", Jeno teases.

Jaemin pouts and turns onto his side, away from Jeno. Jeno chuckles to himself finding Jaemins reaction cute. Renjun laughs as he gets up from his chair, grabbing his soda.

For fun, after grabbing Jeno's can, he goes to stand in front of Jaemin, blocking the sun.

"What?" Jaemin asks with squinted eyes.

Renjun holds out the cans, a big grin on his face. "Here."

"You have five seconds before I pour one on you."


"Uh-uh", Jaemin cuts him off, wagging his finger. "Don't pull the 'leave my boyfriend alone' card, he asked for it."

"Fine but I think pouring a can of soda is a little dramatic, don't you?"

"Sounds fair for me but whatever", Jaemin says, getting up and taking the cans from Renjun.

"Where are you going?"

"Since you ruined the mood over the sodas you asked for, I'll go get your drinks. And that way, I don't have to be subjected to couple forces."

Jeno rolls his eyes as Jaemin walks past him. "You truly are ridiculous."

Jaemin smirks, "But you still love me."

Even though he knows what the male means, Jeno feels his cheeks heat up from his friends words and his expression.

"Stop flirting with my boyfriend!" Renjun shouts after him.

"Sorry, I'll be sure to include you next time!"

"You're an ass!"

"You like those, though!"

Jeno grabs Renjuns arm to stop him from going inside and slaughtering his best friend.

Haechan appears in the backyard entrance, giving the couple a weird look, their other friends behind him.

"Why is Jaemin yelling about you liking asses?"

"Jaemin shut up!" Jisung shouts before Jaemin can say something worse.

"Not fair, Jisung!"

"I love you!"

"Fine, it's fair! I love you too!"

Jisung chuckles at how easy it is to get his friend to do his bidding.


Jeno sighs as he watches Jaemin chase Renjun around, trying to attack him for insulting his hairstyle.

"Jeno!" Jaemin squeals, laughing as he grabs his best friends shoulders to shield himself from the smaller male.

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