The Last Time|XiaoSung

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Xiaojun x Jisung

"I have to stay away from you."

"I know. I do too."

As soon as their eyes meet, they rush towards each other, hands coming to wrap around the other. Jisung holds Xiaojun against him, kissing him with the intent to make him dizzy. Xiaojun cards his fingers through Jisungs hair to keep them as close as possible. Xiaojun moans into the kiss as Jisung works his mouth open with his tongue. Jisung can feel his heart beating faster with every little action. The same feeling he gets everytime he's around Xiaojun. But he knows it's dangerous. 

Because no matter how bad they want each other, they'll always want something more. They just can't stay away. Even though they should.

They don't kiss like they're planning to separate though. Instead, Xiaojuns hands trail over Jisungs body, the heat from everywhere he touches lingering on Jisungs skin. Xiaojun holds Jisung tighter as he gets pushed down onto the soft mattress, not wanting Jisung to part from him. He wants to feel Jisung on every inch of his skin and kiss him until it's impossible for him to remember what not kissing him feels like. It's stupid, how much he wants Jisung. But it describes them perfectly, two people stupid for each other.

Xiaojun gasps at the kiss placed on his exposed shoulder, and continues to let out shallow breaths as more kisses get placed all over his body. The body that Jisung knows as his canvas to mark up. Only his.

"I want you so bad", he mumbles.

"You have me."

Jisung stops his actions to move on top of Xiaojun to look into his eyes. "And you have all of me. You always have."

Xiaojun nods and pulls Jisung down to kiss him, not wanting to think about anything other than this moment with him. Jisung is quick to understand, going back to distracting the male with his kisses and tantalizing touches. 

After a while, Xiaojun grows impatient and lets out a whine. "You don't have to be that slow."

Jisung rolls his eyes playfully. "Impatient as ever."

"Why would I wait to have you when you're right here?"

Jisung leans in for another kiss and smiles sadly when they pull away. "I love you."  Xiaojun grows concerned when he sees the first tear fall. And then another, and another. 

He pulls Jisung into his arms and holds him tight. "I love you too."

"Even if this is our last time together, I'm still gonna want you forever. I'm always gonna love you."

Xiaojun presses a kiss to the side of Jisungs head. "It's the same with me. I love you, always. We just need to stop hurting each other and we can't do that if we don't stay away."

"Do you think we'll ever be able to be together in a happy, healthy relationship?"

"Maybe one day."

"What if you find someone else and I never move on?" Jisung sniffles, becoming even more emotional. "What if this is our only chance? What if we never work out?"

Xiaojun brings Jisungs face into his hands to look into his eyes. "Sung, I promise that I will do anything to be the one that makes you smile in ten years."

"Why ten?"

"Because that gives us plenty of time to work on our own lives. And even if things don't work out the way we want them to right now, I'll still make you smile. I'll tell you a joke or something." Jisung giggles, which causes Xiaojun to smile. "There's my favorite reaction. You're so precious, Sung. And I hope to God, everyone you end up with after me realizes and treats you like it."

Jisung nods. "I want that for you too. You're too important to me."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Xiaojun smiles. "Good. Now kiss me."

Every feeling of love, lust, longer, and sadness are conveyed in this one kiss. One of the last before it's over. Or maybe it's not over, maybe it's just the end of the beginning. It doesn't matter, because for this night, they're still each others. 

They fall asleep wrapped in each others arms, with no thoughts of the difficult task ahead of time. It's their last time together and they're gonna enjoy until the very last second.

What do you even call this ship?

I didn't think about all the details of the relationship I portrayed as I wasn't completely focused on it but in the simplest way, it's two people who know their relationship is toxic and don't want it to be so they give themselves one more day to be together before parting to work on themselves in hopes that in the future they can have a healthy relationship. And if you got that already, here's your confirmation.

I love you

I tried proofreading but who knows?❤️

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