Hate It| ChenMark ft. JaemSung

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Chenle x Mark

Okay, I almost never put an authors note at the beginning but I need to say this, this one-shot contains my own original lyrics. Please, please, PLEASE do not steal them. Taking inspiration or even having something similar is fine but please, do not copy my lyrics word for word. I never share songs openly for this exact reason but they're perfect for this one-shot, which is why I'm using them (and they're mine to use anyway).

And I know you can't tell how it sounds so feel free to make it hilarious in your head (and comment about it so I can laugh with you). Or read it like a poem, whatever. Thank you❤️

Chenle mumbles the lyrics to himself, tapping his pencil against his journal and he stares down at the three-quarter-way-empty page. Movement around him doesn't affect him at all, but it does earn his bandmates attention.

Donghyuck sits down in front of him, looking at the male in concern. "Who is that about?"

Chenle thinks about telling him, answer on the tip of his tongue, but then he remembers that the song can apply to more than one person, causing him to look away from Donghyuck and back down at the page. "It's not important."



"What have I been missing? Are you...are you okay?"


"Okay" is the last thing Chenle would call himself but he doesn't want to admit it if Donghyuck doesn't already know so he just snorts and tries to smile. He giggles at his friends concerned look, hoping that if he pretends well enough, then he can guarantee that the person who's been unintentionally hurting him won't notice.

It's not that easy, of course, as the devil himself walks in with their other bandmates, two of them being the cause of all Chenles jealousy. Realizing he's glaring, he puts his attention back down to his journal and continues writing, more lyrics coming to mind from the ugly way he feels right now.

Donghyuck rests his chin on Chenles shoulder to watch him write and Chenle has half a mind to push him away, but he also wants the comfort and maybe Donghyucks opinion. And maybe the stupid, hopeful part of him hopes it might make a certain someone jealous. 

"Are you gonna perform it?" Donghyuck asks after a while.

Chenle lets out a shaky breath at the thought of his bandmates, especially him hear the song directly poured from his heart. But he knows he needs to let it out and if he can't just say it, he'll do it this way. It might help. "I need to", he admits.

"I know you don't wanna talk about it but I'm here. And we all support you, you know that." Chenle nods and lets Donghyuck hold him and press a kiss to his cheek. He doesn't feel great, not even wanting to react to it in fear of what happens if he does. 

"You guys okay?" Mark asks, not used to seeing the two so quiet.

Donghyuck is quick to roll his eyes, pretending to be annoyed. "You ruined it."


"What you got there, Lele?" Renjun asks, coming to look over at his journal that Chenle instantly snaps shut.

"He was writing a love song about me, duh."

Renjun rolls his eyes and gently pushes Donghyucks forehead. "You're so full of it."

"Wanna know what I'd rather be full of?" He asks right when Jisung and Jaemin join. Upon hearing his question, the two instantly turn around, causing their friends to laugh. Mark calls them back and the two rejoin.

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