All Of You pt.2|DoTae and TenYang ft. NaHyuck, ChenJi, and XiaoKun

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Doyoung x Taeyong and Ten x Yangyang
   ft. Jaemin x Haechan, Chenle x Jisung   
                    and Xiaojun x Kun

"Ten, wait!" Yangyang calls as he chases him down the street.

Ten stops and waits as a panting Yangyang approaches him. When he gets to him, he leans an arm on his shoulder as he catches his breathe.

"Come on", Yangyang says, tugging Tens hand to pull down beside him on the curb.

Ten sniffles, allowing him to know that he was crying. "It hurts."

Yangyang nods, a solemn expression on his face. "I know. I like Xiaojun."


"Taeyong", Doyoung whines, following the male around.

Taeyong sighs as he glances at his friend. "What?"

"Was Renjun being serious? Do you like me?"

Taeyong lets out a nervous laugh, avoiding looking at Doyoungs face. He tries to shrug it off by asking, "Why? Does it matter?"



Doyoung groans, having lost all his patience. "Because I fucking love you!"

He storms off, the door slamming behind him, leaving Taeyongs mind a jumbled mess.


"Okay", Chenle says slowly. "So Doyoung confessed and instead of, I don't know, going after him like a normal person, you stayed here to finish cleaning and you're stressed because he won't answer your calls?"

Taeyong groans, tugging at his hair. "You make it sound so bad."

Chenle gently pries Taeyongs hands off his head so he won't hurt himself. "Jisung went to find Doyoung and he's gonna talk to him and then hopefully, you two will be able to talk."

"How did you and Jisung avoid all this drama?" Taeyong asks, impressed by how the two have managed to have nothing but a smooth sailing relationship from the start.

Chenle chuckles. "We were honest with our feelings from the start. It was Jisung first and he called me cute and then one day he was like, 'hey, I'm starting to get a crush on you' and I said 'okay', then when I realized I liked him, I texted him like 'hey, I like you. I don't know how you feel about me but if you're interested, can we go on a date? If not, I'm fine staying friends'."

"Seriously?" Taeyong asks, eyes wide in shock.

Chenle and Jisung never really talked about how they got together so it was a surprise all on its own to hear the story.

"Mhm. We went on a date and at the end, we told each other how we felt about the experience. Jisung said he didn't really feel any different from a normal hang out and I said 'okay' and then like, a month later, he said he wanted to go on a date again so we went again and every time he felt something or thought something, he told me. And then it just became a habit. It was hard for me because I had to wait so long to see if he would even actually like me and I asked for a break at one point. He was really understanding about it and when I was ready again, he asked me on another date and that was when he told me he liked me. We went on one more before I felt secure enough to ask him to be my boyfriend."

"I had no idea any of that happened."

Chenle smiles bitterly. "I didn't talk about it. I just felt like no one would understand my situation."

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