About Us|NCT Dream

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TW: Homophobia

"Remember, don't fall in love with boys. And no matter what you do, especially, do not fall in love with any of them."


"They're not good for you. They never will be."

Renjun sighs, his mothers words ringing in his head as he waits for their guests to arrive.

It never made sense to him, how all their parents were friends and spent time together but barely approved of their sons being friends—let alone more—when they barely knew them.

None of the boys had ever given the others parents a reason to think negatively of them but it seems their existence was enough to do the trick.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell resounds throughout the house, alerting everyone of their guests arrival. Renjun makes it just in time to watch his mom let the Parks in. He and Jisung make eye contact and the urge to smile at each other goes through them.

But they can't.

The taller boy tilts his head down as he walks past Renjun who can only stare at the white-haired boy. Mrs. Huang clears her throat, making the ravenette snap out of it and look at his mother. Giving him a stern look, she tilts her head to the side, placing a large bowl on the table.

Getting the hint, he goes around and sits at the very end of the table. The farthest seat away from Jisung.

Jisung can't help himself as he watches Renjun, sitting in the corner of the table, obviously trying to ignore him. He isn't surprised, he is supposed to be doing the same thing. But he can't. Instead, his heart hurts at the fact that the less they interact, the happier their parents will be.

Dinner was torture for the two boys, to say the least. They kept having awkward incidents that confused the adults. They both reached for the same food, spoke at the same time, said the same or similar things to the opposite family. Unintentionally, they had been on the exact same wavelength.

The worst part is trying to pretend they don't care. If Renjun and Jisung were alone, they definitely would've suffered from an intense laughing session at everything they'd done. Here, they can only apologize to each other.

Mrs. Huang places a large chocolate mousse cake in the middle of the table and begins serving slices. Halfway through, she makes Renjun take over with the explanation she needs to wash off the frosting on her hands.

There are only three people left; him, Mrs. Park, and Jisung.

He gives Mrs. Park her piece of cake first and smiles in response to the smile and "thank you" he receives. He looks up and his eyes make contact with Jisungs.

Jisung just stares, unsure of what to do. What can they do? He decides to screw it, knowing nothing will happen if they keep worrying about the consequences.

"You can go first", he tells him.


He points at Renjuns bowl. "You can get your slice first."

"Oh", the ravenette replies and then shakes his head. "You can."

Jisung lets Renjun gave the slice to him, understanding that making a scene over something like this will only make their parents more curious about their relationship. And more worried.

He sits back down and watches Renjun place his slice in his bowl. The boy looks around before placing the knife and cake server on a napkin next to the cake. He, then, sits back down, the action making his elbow hit the end of his fork, flinging it onto the floor, creating a loud clattering sound.

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