Breathe Me In|ChenJi

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                       Chenle x Jisung

Chenle doesn't know what's taken over him when he feels the need to be closer to Jisung and his hand starts itching to grab his and intertwine their fingers. He doesn't know why he has to try so hard to stop himself from taking the new actions of affection.

The next time he feels it, Chenle tries his best to keep himself in place as he watches Jisung talk with their other friends.

But this time, he gives in.

He sidles over to Jisung, casually taking his place beside him. Jisung glances at him to quickly acknowledge his presence while staying attentive to their friend Yuta. At first, he thinks he's imagining it when he feels something by his hand but then it turns into the undeniable feeling of his hand being held and then Chenles fingers pressing past his to intertwine them.

He glances down at their conjoined hands and glances at Chenle, who nervously side eyes him. To relax him, he squeezes their hands and sends him a small smile that makes a weird feeling burst in Chenles chest.


Once again, Chenle feels the need to be as close to Jisung as possible. All day, he's done his best to be next to him and hold his hand if he felt he could but now he was across from, trying to focus on only his ice cream and his friends words.

"Lele, why are you being so quiet?" Renjun  asks, bringing all the attention to him.

With a blank expression, Chenle shrugs as he accidentally stabs his ice cream with his spoon. "Just trying to eat my ice cream."

Their friends exchange a look, all in shock by his attitude but they don't say anything and continue talking.

Jisung leans into Renjun and whispers something for him to tell Jeno—who's next to Chenle. Chenle looks up at the sound of scraping and sees the two switch places. Jisung grins at him and takes Chenles free hand and places it in his lap, holding it.

The action makes Chenles heart flutter, especially when he thinks about how Jisung moved just to be next to him. He glances at him, wide-eyed, afraid that he knows what he's thinking but Jisung isn't paying him attention.

He makes eye contact with Renjun and Haechan who give him the same questioning expression. Panic rises in him but he tries to play it off but shrugging and looking down at his ice cream with a new interest.


For the past ten minutes, Chenle has been unconsciously admiring his best friend like his eyes physically couldn't be off of him for long periods of time.

Luckily, Jisung is blissfully unaware to the eyes on him and the feelings he's evoking in Chenle from simply existing as he is right now.

Something takes over Chenle, causing him to start leaning towards his friend until their shoulders touch. Finding nothing unusual, Jisung doesn't spare him a look as he focuses.

Jisung blinks in surprise, actually enjoying the kiss. He looks at Chenle with a look of confusion, making Chenles breath catch and his heart to beat faster as he thinks of how he's ruined everything.

But Jisung surprises him when his expression turns to one of concern. "Do you want a kiss too? Have you just not been saying anything?"

"Uh...yeah", Chenle answers honestly with a blush that the male pays no mind to.

He leans forward and presses a long kiss to Chenle's forward, offering a smile when he pulls away and turns back to focus on the front. Chenle is thankful that he's looking away from extremely flustered self.

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