About Us pt. 2|NCT Dream

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TW: Homophobia

"Excuse me", Mrs. Huang says, rudely, Who are you?"

Doyoung eyes her, a disgusted look on his face. "Who are you?"

"I'm Renjuns mother."

"Ah!" He says in acknowledgment. "One of the terrible parents!"

"Excuse me?"

"I wish I could say you're excused but unfortunately, I have to spend more time with you. I came to talk."

"About what?"

"Hold on, this is an intervention. I need the other parents too."

"What?" Mrs. Huang asks at the Na's approach, both Mister and Missus Na looking confused.

They wait outside until all three Lee couples, the Parks, and the Zhongs show up. Everyone moves inside into the living room, all staring at Doyoung with either annoyance, confusion, or worry.

"What's this about?" Mrs. Park asks.

"Your children."

"What's wrong with them?"

"Should I start with the obvious? They're related to you. "

"Did you come here just to insult us?"

Doyoung chuckles."I wish. I came here because me and my...important people are concerned about the fact that you're keeping best friends apart."

Doyoung would love to mention that they're more than just best friends but he knows that in order to make these people consider listening, he has to use language their tiny brains can handle.

"I don't think this is any of your business."

"Oh, but it is. You know those important people I just mentioned? Yeah, we know you. And we hate you, but that's not the point, today. Today, the point is that our families have been personally affected by you and when it started being your own sons, people I love, I had to do something about it."

"I don't recognize you", Mr. Lee—Marks dad—speaks up.

"Oh, but you will as soon as I bring up my boyfriends."

It takes them a moment and then it hits them. One by one, eyes widening in horror, disbelief. Disgust.

"You're one of the f-

"I would refrain from using slurs around me. I'm calm now but I can get very angry and I'm already running out of patience", Doyoung interrupts. "But yes, I'm one of them."

"Why the fuck are you here? I thought you moved."

Doyoung snorts. "You really wanna pretend fruity people don't exist, don't ya?"

"They shouldn't. It's weird and unnatural. Even more unnatural than your utter nonsense about loving not one but two people."

"Alright!" A voice exclaims before two men join Doyoung. "We're so suck of listening to your homophobic asses, I honestly wish I could beat you up right now."

Kun tightens his grip on Johnnys hand, not really to stop him, but more to keep himself from getting violent. He hates these people but he definitely feels a bit bad at the thought of them facing the three of them. Even though, there is thirteen of them, he knows that they'd do a lot more damage.

Rage is a powerful thing. And they're only getting angrier.

"How dare you come in here just to threaten us?" Mrs. Huang exclaims. "I could call the cops, you know!"

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