That Dancer|NaHyuck

641 17 5

Jaemin x Haechan

His gaze falls to his hips swaying in time with the music. A lump forms in his throat and when he looks back up in the mirror, he eyes meets Haechans.

The reflection smirks and as the song continues, it gets worse. Or technically, better.

Whatever Haechan was holding back before gets released as he dances like his life depends on it. And he looks fucking sexy too.

"Jaemin", Haechan says, alluringly. "Come dance with me."


Jaemin swallows as he debates on whether he should join him not. He knows that if he goes over there, they might stop dancing. Heck, even with him in this room with Haechan, he might make the brunet stop dancing.

He looks back up and sees him patiently waiting for him. He stands up and shuffles over to the male, trying to maintain a few inches of distance.

Haechan smirks. Because he knows. And because he gets to continue what he's doing to Jaemin.

"What? Nervous."

"Something like that", Jaemin responds.

Then stop being like that, Haechan thinks. I don't want you nervous. I want you confident enough to make a move

One of the things Haechan takes pride in is his mind. And it doesn't fail him as he comes up with a plan that's almost guaranteed to make Jaemin do something if he's truly interested in him.

Ignoring his friends curious eyes, he walks over to the side of the room and opens the cabinet that holds some dancing equipment. He grins to himself when he gains hold of a black cane.

"What are you gonna do with that?" Jaemin asks, swallowing nothing because he knows that whatever's going to happen is gonna make him feel even more.

"I just wanna show you something when we're done."

Oh God. Jaemin is screwed. And maybe it's his fault for interpreting the tone but he almost swears the way Haechan said it meant that whatever he was going to show would be interesting.

Haechan puts music back on and starts casually moving his hips along to it, facing Jaemin to get him to join in.

Who does shyly and hesitantly and only gets worse when the brunet takes his hands so they're dancing together.

After three minutes of mild torture, he's freed to move back and watch the male dance. The song changes to an interesting upbeat EDM song that seems to spark up Haechans confidence.

He moves the cane with his body, making sure to show off for his audience. He's even bold enough to slide  in front of the mirror on his knees and glance back at Jaemin to make sure he knows it's all for him.

As usual, when he dances, his moves are sharp and on point but that's not his focus right now. Every move he does shows off his body somehow and maybe, just maybe, he tries to bring special attention to his hips, just to make sure his friend loses it.

But when the song is over and Jaemin is still across the room from him, only looking like he wants to make out with the brunet and not actually doing it, he rolls his eyes and drops the cane, ignoring the sound of it clattering as it hits the floor.

"Just kiss me already!" Haechan
snaps, storming over to Jaemin who instantly grabs his waist and pulls him against him, connecting their lips.

It takes the brunet by surprise, momentarily, but he quickly melts into the feeling and relaxes, tangling his hands in Jaemins hair.

Jaemin moves his lips against Haechans, controlling the pace of the kiss, despite Haechans eagerness.

A spark of joy surges through him as the current situation he's in.

There had been a tension between the two all week and now he finally got what he wanted. And Haechan wanted it too.

Unknowingly, he starts to smile, messing up the tempo and the brown-haired male pulls away to look over Jaemins face.

He just ends up kissing him again because he's too cute to resist.

Once they broke the barrier, there was no going back and make outs in the practice room became a regular thing between the two of them.

Of course their friends were happy for them but they grew annoyed with two as they got comfortable openly flirting with each other and whatnot in front of them.

It was always the worse when they were in the practice room because something about it just seemed to make the two become lust-filled magnets to each other.

"Okay, enough!" Johnny exclaims, breaking the two apart before they start giving them a show.

"Sorry", Haechan apologizes, seeming more disappointed that he got separated from Jaemin than actually sorry.

Jaemin gives him a small smile and quickly goes over him to kiss his cheek before moving back to give them distance.

He chuckles when he sees boyfriend pout.

'You're cute', He mouths which is followed by the sounds of gagging cause apparently that's still too much PDA for his friends.

"Let's please start dancing", Chenle groans, just to make sure the couple stays away from each other.

"Fine, fine. Let's do it."


The two lock eyes in the mirror and smile at each other.

From the back corner of the room, Jisung groans. "Not again!"

Lmao poor Jisung

I am both surprised and not surprised that I wrote this 🤣

And Haechan's a good dancer, bye bye

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