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-Brianna's POV-

        I thought about what I would do about the whole brother dating my best friend thing, and I decided to just talk to both of them about it.  I'm okay with it, I just wish they would've told me.

        When I got downstairs, I found my dad rushing around like usual to get to work, and Mikey digging through the fridge for food.  Typical Clifford Household Morning.  I just grabbed a bagel and squeezed around Mikey to get cream cheese.  I started making my bagel as Mikey finally found something and sat down.

        Once I sat down, my dad walked over to us.  "I have to hurry but have a nice day!" he said, kissing my forehead and patting Mikey's back before rushing out, leaving us alone.

        It was silent for a few minutes, Mikey on his phone as I ate.  Should I talk to him about it now?  What do I even say?  How do I bring it up?  Maybe he a;ready knows?


        "We have to go now," he said, standing up. 

        I have to talk to you..." I started.

        "Tell me in the car," he pushed it aside.  I sighed, nodding and standing up as well.  I followed him out the door and into the car.  Once he got it started, he spoke.  "What is it?  Is it about Luke?  Because you aren't supposed to know..."

        "No, it's not about Luke!" I cut him off, not sure where he was even taking that conversation.  "It's about you..." I trailed off, but when that didn't seem to get his attention, I added, "and Sophie."

        Mikey's expression changed to shocked, and almost speechless.  Almost. "What do you mean?" he tried playing it off confused, but I rolled my eyes.

        "I know you guys are dating."

        Mikey sighed.  "Sophie and I agreed that we wouldn't tell..."

        "Sophie didn't tell me!  I overheard you two last night in the kitchen.  And to confirm it I also caught a glimpse of you two locking lips before I ran up to my room to try and keep my food in my stomach."

        Mikey chuckled.  "Sorry..." he apologized.

        "Why didn't you guys tell me?"

        "Maybe because you're my sister and I'm dating your best friend?" Mikey raised an eyebrow like it was obvious.  Though, I guess it kind of is.

        "I'm okay with it...as long as you don't take her from me and go couple mode in front of me," I approved.

        "Couple mode?" Mikey questioned.

        I shook my head.  "You know what I mean," I said as Mikey pulled into the parking lot.  I opened the door and walked out alongside Mikey into the school.  "What were going to say about Luke before I told you what I wanted?" I asked, remembering when we first got into the car.

        Mikey shook his head though.  "Nothing," he said before separating to his friends.

        I walked over to my locker, but only to find Sophie.  I furrowed my eyebrows as I approached her.  "Where's Ally?" I asked her.

        Sophie shrugged.  "Probably avoiding me," she replied, though not phased by it.  Usually when there were disagreements, it was all "forgive and forget" by the next day.  "Although it should be me avoiding her but..." Sophie just sighed, shaking her head.

        "You know, you're lucky I'm not avoiding you," I crossed my arms after opening my locker.

        "You're on her side?"

        "No!  I'm not on anyone's side!  I'm talking about the fact that you're dating my brother and never told me!"

        Sophie stared at me.  "Uh...what are you talking about?"  Wow, maybe they are made for each other!

        "Don't act like you don't know, I already talked to Mikey about it in the car."

        "But Mikey and I agreed..."

        "Not to tell anyone, I know!  He said the same thing...maybe you two aren't total opposites..." I trailed off, finding that our conversation was going the same way as me and Mikey's.  "I overheard you guys last night."

        "Look, I'm sorry we didn't tell you.  If it makes you feel better, you're the only one that knows."

        "When were you planning on telling everyone?" I asked her.

        "Michael was gonna announce it during their gig tomorrow night," she answered, smiling as she started to talk about it.  It's cute that he made her smile just by thought.  I wish I had that.

        "How long have you been dating?"

        "Almost a week, but we've been seeing each other for about a month."  How did I not notice?  Although, no one really noticed me and Luke.  "I'm just nervous about what Ally will do.  We're already on bad terms, and I don't want her to find out after everyone else."

        "Don't worry, I'll make sure she goes to the gig, okay?"

        Sophie let out a breath, nodding.  "Okay, thanks Brianna."

        Just as I said, I made sure Ally came to the gig.  She wasn't really speaking to Sophie, but the longer they were together the more they talked.  It started to feel normal again.

        As the guys played, I waited for the announcement to come and make sure Ally didn't kill Sophie, walk out, or do anything else that could end badly.  It didn't come until towards the middle of their set though.

        "Okay, so before we play our next and new song, I would like to make an announcement," Mikey spoke into the mic.  The guys all llooked at him, being confused about what he was doing.

        "Uh...Michael..." Calum trailed off.

        "This will be quick.  I'd just like to say that I've surprisingly found a girl...a special girl...and decided to call her mine.  So this entire gig is dedicated to my girlfriend...Sophie..." he finally announced.  Everyone clapped and cheered, all the guys shocked.  I caught a glimpse of Brook and Claire with their jaws dropped, which was satisfying.  I turned to Ally though, who I was most concerned about.  She stared was looking at Sophie, who was smiling at Mikey.

        "Sophie..." Ally spoke up.

        Sophie turned to her.  "Ally, I know you don't approve of their group or anything, but I've grown to know them and Michael treats me so well...better than I ever expected.  And I still want us to be friends, but I really like him and..." Sophie went rambling on, but Ally shook her head.

        "I get it.  Really, I do.  Everything makes perfect sense now!  You're leaving us for him!"  Ally exclaimed.  Uh oh.

        "No!  I'm adding him into my life, I still want you guys..."

        "No wonder you've acted so different lately!"  Ally interrupted.  I sighed, not surprised by any of this.  I was about to stop them, when my attention was turned back to the stage.

        "Well, on to our new song!  This is a song I wrote about a girl that comes off as an angel, but has a side that most people don't get to see.  This...good girl...isn't so good...but I found that it...I guess it turns me on..." Luke explained, my eyes widening.  He better not be talking about me.  "This is Good Girls," he announced before starting to play.  I listened to the lyrics, and found that it had to be about me.  Daddy's favorite, straight A student, saving for college (though the incorrect one), and even more.  But what really gave it away was when there were lyrics about being in the back of the library...and not exactly reading.  That memory is very clear to me, and it's also clear Luke had written this song about me.  But why?  It's honestly...shocking, maybe a bit emotional.  Luke actually took the time to write a song about me.  Was this asking for me to talk?  To forgive him?  Or embarrass me?  What if people realize he's talking about me?  What will people think of me?  A bad girl that hasn't been caught?

        I took a deep breath and gulped, glancing over at Ally and Sophie and finding them still talking.  I took now to slip away, knowing the song was ending.  Hopefully no one will notice, but I have to get out of here.  I ran out of the building and felt the fresh air hit me, walking a bit to the side and leaning against the brick wall.  I heard clapping, signalling the end of the song.  I panicked when I noticed a blonde guy walking out of the building, but let out a sigh of relief when I realized it wasn't Luke and turned around.

        "I thought I saw you run out."  My eyes widened and I remained facing the opposite way, but feeling Luke walk towards me.  I'm in trouble.

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