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-Brianna's POV-

        I had become so use to hearing Mikey and his band practice while I was doing homework and studying, that I didn't even notice when they stopped playing.  That's why when Luke kicked my door open and walked into my room I was surprised and frustrated.

        "You know you're supposed to knock before you enter, right?"  I snapped, standing up from my desk and turning to face him.  "What if I was getting dressed?"

        Luke shrugged.  "I wouldn't really mind."

        My jaw dropped at his answer, feeling violated by his words.  I just walked over and closed my door so there wouldn't be distractions.  I then went back to my desk and opened my backpack that was sitting next to it, pulling out a blank sheet of lined paper  along with a pencil.  I sat down in my chair and motioned for Luke to sit down as well.  He slowly walked over and sat on my bed across from me.

        "So, sadness and heartbreak.  Anything else you want to throw in for ideas to do this poem?"  I started, preparing myself to write.

        "I don't know, why don't we just start writing?"  he asked, kicking his feet up and leaning against my pillows.  I rolled my eyes and made a mental note to wash those as soon as possible.  No way I was sleeping on something that Luke used and put his smell all over.

        "It's just so we can make a story for the poem...without actually writing a story.  Having ideas of what we want to write," I explained to him.  He sat there, staring blankly at the wall.  I sighed and added, "how about you think about how all the hearts you've broken.  How all those girls felt or reacted."

        Luke moved his eyes up to the ceiling.   "Um...regret...upset...jealous..." he trailed off as I wrote down what he said.  The good thing about Luke being a player was that he was experienced with heartbreak, aka what we were writing about.

        "Okay, this will be fun to write," he commented sarcastically as I finished writing.  "Anything else?"  I looked up when I was done.

        "I guess...just wanting to forget everything, or wishing things would've worked out."

        I jotted down the last few notes before grabbing another sheet of paper to start drafting.  "Okay, let's start writing then.  Any ideas of how to start?"

        "Why am I doing everything?  What about you?  What about your ideas?  What do you think?"  he sat up, obviously annoyed.

        "I'm just making sure I'm not doing all the work!"  I defended myself.

        "You aren't1  You know why?  Because I am!"  Luke raised his voice.

        "Fine, I'll think of a way to start it," I groaned, giving in.  I looked over our words and ideas for inspiration.  "Since you said regret, maybe we could go over what happened.  And not the way things happen with you, but how things usually work!"  I suggested, Luke rolling his eyes at me in response.  "How about...I...remember...the day you...told me you were leaving," I slowly said, writing it down so I wouldn't forget.

        "And?"  Luke questioned once I looked back up.


        "What else?  That's it?"

        "Well I'm sorry I'm being put on the spot here!  Besides, it doesn't have to be a long line!"  I pointed out.

        "I'm not saying it has to be long, it's just not...complete.  How about this; I...drove by all the places...we use to...hang out...getting wasted," Luke put in.

        I furrowed my eyebrows at him.  "No!  We can't write about getting wasted, especially for school!"

        "It sounds better than what you wrote!"

        "No it doesn't!  Mine is simple but a nice start!"  I argued.  Sure, mine didn't rhyme but it was only one line!  It's just starting and at least I'm not writing about getting wasted!

        "Fine, how about...I...thought about...the, no...I thought about our...last kiss.  Um...how it felt...and...and...the way it tasted.  Yeah!  I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way it tasted," Luke came up with.

        "The way it tasted?"  I questioned, giving him a weird look.  I've never kissed anyone, but it sounds weird to think of how someone tasted.

        "Yeah, it's a kiss.  That's part of it," Luke said as if I were dumb. 

        I shook my head.  "You give too much detail.  Make it simple like...I remember the makeup...running...down your face.  Yeah, much more simple but still creative," I wrote down what I had said.

        "Are you only writing down your words?  We're doing this together Miss "I don't wanna do all the work"!  Maybe you do all the work because you only like your ideas!"  Luke stood up.

        "That's because you're ideas are stupid!"  I stood  up as well.  Even though Luke was a lot, and I mean a lot, taller than me, I wasn't intimidated.  He wouldn't hurt me, just yell.

        "No, it's because you're so close-minded!"  he argued, looking down at me.

        "I am not, your ideas just don't fit what I have in mind!"

        "Exactly!  You won't open your mind to other ideas!"  Luke yelled

        "Well if you have your own ideas, why don't you just write your own poem!"  I suggested, yelling back at him and stepping closer as I got angrier.

        "Maybe I will!  And it will be a hell of a lot better than yours!"  He stepped closer as well and got n my face, probably trying to scare me.  But I stood  my ground.

        "Not if it's inappropriate and makes no sense!"  I pointed out, getting closer to him.  Our faces were inches away, but I kept a glare.  "But go  right ahead!  Write your own poem!  I'm not stopping you!"  I flung my arm up.

        "I will!  I'll even leave now!"  he shouted, our faces closer than they ever have been before.

        "Well the door is right over there!"  I pointed to the door, but keeping my eyes locked on his so I wouldn't seem scared.  Luke gave one last glare before walking towards the door.  I crossed my arms and watched as he left.  "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!"  I called as he walked out.  He responded by slamming my door shut, leaving me standing there.

        I let out a breath and dropped my arms before sitting on my bed.  I knew this wouldn't work out, I knew it from the very start.  And now I'm stuck writing my own poem for a partner assignment.

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