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Brianna's POV

I heard faint voices and slowly fluttered my eyes open. At first I was confused on where I was, then recognized it to be Luke's bedroom and remembered last night. I then could feel where my tears rolled down on my skin since they were obviously dry now.

Light showed into Luke's room through his windows, meaning it was daytime. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and checked the time; 9:23. I sighed, knowing I have to go. Not just away from the house, but from Luke as well.

I turned over and was met by Luke's sleeping face. I grinned, seeing him look so peaceful and innocent, a look I never really see on him but liked. I closed my eyes and rested my head next to him for a moment before standing up and changing back into my clothes from yesterday. Once I finished, I grabbed my phone and looked down at Luke again. I wish I didn't have to break up with him, and to just leave him like this but I can't wake him up either. Instead, I just leaned down and kissed his nose before slowly making my way out of his room and quietly closing the door behind me.

I walked downstairs, the voices that woke me up becoming more audible and recognizable. I froze in the middle of the stairs once I did recognize the voices: Liz and my dad. My heart started pounding, not wanting to be caught and eavesdropping to find out what they were talking about.

"I just worry about her, she's usually so smart and well-behaved, and now she runs away!" my dad exclaimed.

"Love makes people do crazy things, things they wouldn't normally do," Liz responded to him.

"That's the thing, it's not love! Maybe puppy love, but that's all! Nothing real, nothing that will last."

"I don't know. I've never seen Luke act this way. It's almost as if he's a different person, someone who actually cares for other people and isn't afraid to show it," Liz spoke, making me smile.

"Well, while my daughter's good influence is rubbing off on Luke, his bad influence is rubbing off on Brianna. She's dressing different, she's going out more, she's speaking out and acting more...more..."

"Confident?" Liz questioned. My dad was silent, and it made me think as well. Was I more confident? I never really noticed but now that I think about it...maybe I was. And Luke was a lot more lovable too, but I didn't think about it being from me. We actually changed each other, and it made me even more sad that it would have to end. "Rich, I don't think any of those things are actually bad. She's finally making the most of life instead of spending all her time worrying about it!"

"Liz, she ran away! And she's rethinking her future now too!"

"Kids will rethink their future a lot, Rich! It's part of growing up, finding yourself."

There was more silence until I heard a chair push back and my dad speak up again. "I'm going upstairs to get my daughter," he said, my eyes widening and my body starting to shake from nerves.


"No, we're going home and I don't ever want her coming here again," my dad interrupted, making me start running upstairs as fast as I could without making a sound. On my way turning the corner, I ran into something and nearly fell until I was caught. I looked up and made eye contact with Luke, my breathing hard.

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