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-Brianna's POV-

        "And now I'm stuck doing my own poem and...are you guys even listening?"  I stopped telling my story of what happened yesterday.  It was the next day at school and I was feeling really stressed about the whole poem deal, but Ally and Sophie didn't seem to listen to a word I was saying.

        "Sorry, Brianna.  But we have other things on our mind!"  Ally apologized.

        "Yeah, like how are we going to pay for college?  It costs a fortune and even with my life savings I don't have enough!"  Sophie stressed abut their problems.

        "We still have two years left," I reminded them.

        "But we need to prepare now so everything will be all set!  University of Sydney doesn't wait for anyone," Ally said, making me sigh.  College was all they talked about, that and the part of us living together and being doctors.  "You're still part of the plan, right?"

        I gave a small smile and nodded.  "Of course!  I'm sure we'll find a way to raise money before we actually go," I assured them.

        "That and keep our grades up," Sophie added.

        "I don't know how I'll keep my English grade up with Luke as my partner," I muttered, remembering I still had the whole poetry problem.

        "Just do your part, and Mrs. Gregory should understand.  You usually do all the work anyway when it comes to partner and group projects, all of us do.  Perks of being the smartest in our grade," Ally tried to help, but it really didn't do too much.

        "Yeah...I guess..." I trailed off, looking down.  The bell rang shortly after, causing me to look back up.

        "Oh!  Time to go to class!"  Ally cheered, happily leading the way to class.

        "Don't worry about this whole problem.  Like Ally said, we're the smartest in our grade.  You can figure this out!  You said Luke is writing his own poem, right?"  Sophie questioned, walking beside me with Ally in the front.  I nodded in response.  "Then you write yours, and maybe you can just turn both in!  It's still doing the assignment...just a bit more since it's two poem instead of one!"

        I smiled at Sophie.   "Thanks, Sophie.  I hope that works," I thanked her honestly.  Sophie was always good with problem solving, even if it wasn't mathematics.  I think the only reason she'd rather be a doctor than something else high up, is because she would be helping people in the process.  Ally on the other hand wasn't too great with compassion, but was just interested in the human body and how it works.

        Since it was Friday, not too much homework was given.  Most teachers luckily understood that weekends meant a break from school, and I basically had no homework.  Except the stupid poem.  I was finding it difficult to write about something I never experienced or felt. though it heartbreak wasn't something I wanted to experience.

        I stared at my paper, looking at the words I already had down;

        I remember the day you told me you were leaving,

        I remember the makeup running down your face.

        And the dreams you left behind, you didn't need them.

        I had only written one more line, and it made me both frustrated yet curious as to why I could easily write with Luke around, but not on my own.  It was like he turned some kind of switch on inside of me, but it turned back off when he left.  It sounds weird, but it's true.

        By Monday, I had a short poem.  It took forever and it wasn't great, but I still had a poem to turn in.  I was hoping what Sophie said would work.  If not, I have no idea what's going to happen.

        English started out with looking poems, and finding their meanings.  It wasn't until towards the end of class that Mrs. Gregory collected poems.  Everyone was currently standing up and walking over to turn it in.

        I took a deep breath as I got my poem out and stood up.  I looked back at Luke who was casually walking to the front of the classroom, paper in hand.

        "If you want, I can still write your name on my paper," I offered, hoping he would take it.  But being Luke, he obviously wouldn't take an offer from me.

        "I think you want your name on mine, since I have a longer poem," he said, pointing to my short poem.

        "Length doesn't mean anything," I told him.

        He chuckled.   "That's not what all the girls say," he says smugly, a smirk on his face before walking past me.  I just stood there, jaw dropped.  Sometimes the things that boy says and does amaze me, and not in a good way.

        I quickly blinked away the shock and walked to Mrs. Gregory as well, handing her my paper.  She furrowed her eyebrows as I did, stopping me from walking away.

        "I thought Luke already turned your guys' poem in?"

        I gave a sheepish smile.  "Well you see, Luke and I tried writing together but we had...creative differences.  So we sort of...made our own poems," I nervously explained, playing with my fingers as I did.  It's a habit I have when I'm nervous.

        "I specifically said this was a partner assignment, one poem per group.  I don't know and I don't care what you do, but you must solve this problem and turn in one poem," Mrs. Gregory said sternly.

        I let out a breath, glancing back at Luke who was sitting with his feat kicked up on a desk beside him.  "How am I supposed to write a poem with...him?"  I asked, motioning to him.

        "Look, I know he doesn't seem like a great student, but I did glance over his poem and...he has a talent for it.  I wouldn't say that if I didn't mean it," she tried to comfort me.  I looked down, nodding.  "At least read his poem, you have the same theme, right?"

        "Yeah, that's one thing we agreed on," I confirmed, looking back up.

        "Then just read your poems, and maybe try to mold them together.  You each have something missing, and maybe it's just the other," Mrs. Gregory suggested, the bell ringing after.  "I'll give you until tomorrow." She handed me both mine and Luke's poem before walking to her desk to pack up.

        I sighed, staring at the papers.  I guess I could read Luke's poem and try to combine it with mine.  Mrs. Gregory said he wrote a good poem, so it can't be as bad as I think.  I just don't know how to tell Luke.

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