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-Micheal's POV-

After what happened Monday, I decided it would be best for me to always keep an eye on Brianna. So, I walked her to every class just in case Luke got the idea to talk to her again. Obviously she wasn't happy about it, but it was Friday now and it's worked so far.

I pulled into the school's parking lot, following Brianna inside and to her locker. She did what she usually did with her books, Sophie and Ally noticing our arrival.

"Hey, Brianna! And...Michael," Ally greeted. I know she still hates me, but I've grown use to it at this point.

Sophie smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down to kiss her. I smiled into the kiss, looking at once we pulled away. I furrowed my eyebrows at her hat. "Snapback?" I questioned.

She shrugged. "Trying something new..." she trailed off, looking to the side and trying not to smile.

"It looks nice, where did you...wait a minute..." I stopped, snatching the hat off the top of her head and getting a closer look at it. "This is mine!" I exclaimed.

Sophie giggled. "I was wondering when you would notice it was gone. I've had it for a week and thought I'd wear it today and see if you noticed then," she explained.

"How did I not notice?" I scratched my head, staring at it. It must be everything going on with Luke and Brianna.

Sophie shrugged. "You're oblivious," she answered simply. I chuckled and playfully rolled my eyes, plopping it back on her head. "What are you doing?" she asked as she adjusted it so it wasn't covering her eyes.

"You look cute," I told her, smiling as she blushed. "You can just keep it, I have more."

"Thanks," she smiled, kissing my cheek.

I looked at Brianna as she shut her locker. "Okay, let's go to class!" I told her.

Brianna groaned. "Do you seriously have to make me go to class ten minutes before it starts? I can't hang out here?" she whined.

"No, I don't want to risk anything!" I said, starting to walk and luckily having her follow me. She can't stand losing a fight and will continue until she wins or has not other choice.

"What? Like me being social? This is ridiculous and you know it, Mikey!"

"It's not ridiculous, it's for your own good! You just won't admit it!" I told her for the thousandth time. It's almost a routine thing.

"I can't admit a lie!" she yelled as we approached her classroom. "How can it be for my own good when I'm miserable!" she asked, stopping in front of the room.

"You aren't miserable, you're overreacting," I told her, remaining calm.

"Mikey, I've never felt so lost, so sad, so broken..." she trailed off, looking up at me with sad eyes. "I've never felt this bad in my life... and you know that says a lot with our past," she finished softly before walking into her class along with Ally.

I sighed, holding my head in frustration before removing my hands to look at Sophie. "I don't know what to do about her," I said, hoping Sophie would help.

"Isn't it obvious? Let her be with Luke again, or at least talk to him!"

"You know I can't! They're so different to the point that he would just hurt her or let her down," I explained, looking into the room to see Brianna getting in her seat. "I don't want to see her hurt."

"Michael, look closer at her. Don't you see she's hurt now?" Sophie asked, both of us looking at Brianna now. She sat in her seat with her head in her hands. Ally was talking to her, but it didn't look like Brianna was really responding and Ally eventually walked away.

"It's only been about a week, she'll get over it," I tried to assure Sophie, but not even convinced myself. "She just needs time."

"I don't think that's going to help this situation. I've been friends with her for years, and I've never seen her like this. I'm worried about her, Michael," Sophie looked up at me.

I shook my head. "That's what she wants, Soph! She wants you to feel bad for her, but the matter of the fact is that her and Luke together are poison! She's on her way to success, and what do you think will happen when someone like Luke who barely knows right from wrong comes in? It will ruin everything! He will ruin her!" I explained, trying not to yell as I got worked up over it.

"What about us then, Mike? Don't you see we're just like them? The good girl and bad boy, the innocent and the not-so innocent...you don't think you'll ruin me," she pointed out.

"I'm not Luke and you're not Brianna!"

"Really? You don't think the two of you and Brianna and I have anything in common? You and Luke both have a bad rep, you're both in a band, the same band might I add, you both have history with drugs and sleeping around, you both don't care about school..." she listed to the point I couldn't deny it. "And what about me and Brianna? We're both straight A students, we both have our futures planned, we both still have our innocence, we both love school, we both have a good reputation, shall I go on?"

I sighed, not knowing how to respond. She was right, we were just like Luke and Brianna. "What are you trying to say, Sophie?"

"I'm saying it works for us, and we've seen that it works for them. We both know that they can't be apart, so let them be together!"

"Even if I wanted to, my dad still doesn't want them together," I reminded her.

"What I want is for you to stop helping him. Your dad is great, but he's wrong about this! I want you to talk to him or at least back off. Please...it's not helping anyone," she begged.

"I can't just back off, Sophie! Something that is different about our relationships is that you and I have been able to have and keep a relationship before! Luke has no idea what he's doing and neither does Brianna!"

The bell rang and Sophie huffed, shaking her head and getting worked up. She looked down, hesitating before speaking again. "I don't want to have to do this, Michael but you've left me no choice. If you don't stop keeping Brianna and Luke away from each other then...I can't be with you."

My jaw dropped in shock. "What? Sophie!"

"No, I'm serious! I can't stand seeing my best friend hurt and neither should you! If that's what it takes for you to realize how stupid you're being then I'll do it!" she warned.

"Sophie, you can't break up with me because of their relationship," I said, stepping towards her.

Sophie stepped back though. "Yes, I can! How can I be with someone who doesn't even realize when they're hurting someone? Or someone who can't stand being wrong?" I looked down, unsure how to respond. Sophie sighed before speaking again. "Look, you have the weekend to think about what you're doing, but by Monday...well, I hope to be able to smile when I see you," she said before walking into her classroom.

I stood there, not able to believe what Sophie just said. But it did get me thinking about whether or not what I'm doing is right. And I'm starting to this it's not.

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