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-Luke's POV-

I looked around and waited for Brie to walk into school on Monday. I tried calling and texting her all weekend, but of course she didn't reply. I was a bit afraid to go to her house because not only is she angry at me, but so is Michael because I hurt Brie. I didn't mean to though, I just made a dumb move and it got misunderstood.

"Luke, are you still waiting for Brianna?" Calum asked me, but my attention was still on the school's entrance.

"Yeah! I need to talk to her! I need to apologize for hurting her, I need to explain why I gave the guitar pick...I need to see if we're still together..." I trailed off, the fear of Brie breaking up with me in mind.

"Didn't she break up with you?"

"No!" I snapped, now looking at Calum. "Not...officially!" I turned back around. Just as I did, Michael walked into the school. I stood straighter and lightened up, knowing that brie would follow. Michael came over and greeted Ashton and Calum, ignoring me. I didn't mind though, only wanting to talk to Brie. But after a few minutes, she still didn't walk in. The bell rang, and there was still no sight of Brie. Is she okay? Is she skipping school? No, she couldn't be! It's Brie! So...where was she?

The day went on, and I still hadn't seen Brie. I was worried, did I hurt her that much? I tried to talk to Sophie and Ally, but they both ignored me like Michael had.

Finally, it was last hour. The one class I have with Brie. If she wasn't here, then something is definitely wrong. I got to class early and sat in the seat I usually do, watching the door for Brie to walk through. Just when I thought she wouldn't show up, in walked Brie to her seat in the front. I stood up to go talk to her, but the bell rang and Mrs. Gregory walked to the front of the class.

With my luck, today was a lecturing day about a new project. Even worse luck, it wasn't a partner project. I waited anxiously for the bell to ring, and when it finally did, I bolted from my seat and over to Brie who was doing the same thing but towards the door.

"Brie!" I called, following her. Her pace quickened, but my legs were longer to my advantage. "Brie!" I repeated, finally moving in front of her and blocking her path.

"Luke, move!" she directed sternly, not meeting my eyes.

"No, I haven't seen you all day!"

"There's a reason for that!" she said, trying to step forward, but I moved closer and caused her to step back instead.

"We need to talk!"

"That's the reason!" she commented as if I were dumb, trying to move once again but the same thing happened. "I need to go! I have stuff to get from my locker and Mikey's not gonna wait for me!"

"I'll give you a ride!" I offered.

"I don't want a ride from you!" she snapped, not to my surprise.

"Brie, please! Just give me a chance to explain myself! Don't I at least deserve that?" I asked her.

She stood there, looking down and thinking before replying. "You deserve nothing," she muttered. That hurt. "Now move."

I stood there, shocked by her words. She wasn't even going to listen to me. That's all I asked for, at least. "Brie..."

"Move!" she finally looked up at me, allowing me to see the hurt in her eyes and making it that much harder. After staring a moment too long, she looked back down and whispered. "Please." After taking a breath, she added a bit louder, "I just need time, Luke."

Time. She needed time, meaning we weren't done. There's still a chance, she just needs time. And because of that, I obeyed and moved to the side, letting her through. I watched her make her way down the hall, then turning the corner to go to her locker.

After a few minutes of just standing in the hall, I heard a locker open beside me and remembered Michael had his locker around here. I looked over and saw him throwing all his books in, giving me the chance to walk over.


"Don't talk to me," he automatically cut me off, not even looking at me.


"I mean it!"

I stood there, took a breath, and quickly spoke. "I didn't mean to hurt Brie!"

"Isn't that nice! You accidentally, but predictably, hurt my sister. Just because you didn't mean to, doesn't make it better!" he snapped.

"Please, I have a good reason! It was all a misunderstanding! I...I gave that guitar pick to that girl because I was paying the girl to make something out of it, make it more special," I said, making Michael stop and look at me.

"Make what?" he asked, curious now.

"I don't know yet," I looked down, embarrassed at my lack of details.

"That makes it believable," Michael said sarcastically.

"It's true! I was gonna talk to her about it at the concert, but then Brie showed up! I was planning on calling the girl back and working out the details this week, and then hopefully give it to Brie by over the weekend. She just won't listen to me though!" I explained to him. "Can you just tell her what I told you? Why I did it and that it's just a misunderstanding since she won't listen to me?"

"Even if you are telling the truth, why would I help you get my sister back? It hasn't even been a month and what I predicted came true!" he replied.

"Because you love your sister, and you love when she's happy. And even though you don't want to admit it, I make her happy," I answered, hoping to convince him.

Michael stood there, thinking. I took it as a good thing, that I was actually making him debate about it. "I think you should leave both me and my sister alone," he finally said, going back to his locker and putting another book in.

"Michael, please! I-I really like her, I don't want to lose her! I was trying to do something nice, something to prove that I could be a good boyfriend! Please, tell her!" I literally begged. I'm not proud of it, but I don't know how else to get the message across to Brie.

"If I do, will you shut up?" he stopped me.


"Okay, fine! I'll tell her it was a misunderstanding!" he gave in, slamming the locker and then walking past me. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that at least Brie would hear my explanation. Michael just had to tell her.

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