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-Brianna's POV-

I let out a shaky breath before walking out on stage to Luke. My heart was racing like never before and I was scared to even look at the crowd.

Luke moved away from the mic once I got over there and looked down at me. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he whispered.

"Of course, it's our only chance at being together," I answered, surprised he asked. I would do anything for Luke, and knows that. Luke grinned, handing me a mic. "Um...hello..." I said shakily to the crowd, scanning the room to find my dad. His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked a bit suspicious. "I usually work behind the scenes, writing with Luke. But tonight is different..." I trailed off, taking a deep breath. "This last song is the most recent Luke and I wrote, and probably the most meaningful. Mostly because it connects with us." I stared at my dad now as I spoke. "It's about being in love with someone...and then losing them without any control. You still have so much left to say...but it's too late. Your loved one is gone." I felt Luke's hand on my shoulder as I let out another shaky breath. "This song is called Everything I Didn't Say," I finally announced.

The song started and I looked towards Luke. It wasn't going to be long, it's not only me. I opened my mouth and began to sing. "Wait...don't tell me. Heaven is a place on earth. I wish I could rewind all the times that I didn't show you what you're really worth." I relaxed a little as Luke took over. I took the time now to watch my dad. He didn't look happy, but he didn't look mad. He was just sitting there, a blank stare. I sang along to the chorus with the band and sang my parts as the song went on. It was almost over when I noticed my dad stand up. My eyes widened and I looked at Ally and Sophie who were talking to my dad. But he left. He walked out of the building. I looked up at Luke as he finished singing his part. I nodded my head to the door and he raised his eyebrow. I tried giving an apologetic look before rushing off stage and out the door. He only had to play the last chorus. I made it outside, looking for my dad. He was standing outside on the phone. I took a moment to catch my breath before slowly walking to him. When my dad noticed, he finished his conversation and hung up. I looked at his phone. "Who were you talking to?" I asked him. "I called a taxi," he replied. "You're leaving?! The show isn't ov-" "It is now!" He interrupted. I stood there, nervous now. "I'm trying. I came tonight to give Michael a chance to prove himself, and then you pull this! Michael definitely can't be in that band now!" "Don't take this out on Mikey! He was just helping me. He deserves to be in that band." "He deserves to come home. You and him," my dad said, looking into the building as the song ended. I sighed, shaking my head. "We just wanted you to see what you were doing! I know you think Luke is bad..." "I think? I know he's bad, Brianna! And you use to! What happened?" I shrugged. "I got to know him," I answered simply. "I learned love from him." "He taught you love?" My dad questioned. "And she taught me love." Me and my dad turned around to see Luke standing in the doorway. "You two don't know the first thing about love," my dad said. I ignored my dad for a moment. "Luke, what are you doing? Don't you still have to say goodnight and the possible encore? And pack up?" I asked him. "You ran off the stage, you think I wouldn't come after you?" He raised an eyebrow, walking closer to me. "I did it once, I did it again, and I'll do it as many times as I need to," he assured me, then looking up at my dad. "Because I love her." "You're only saying that. You don't know what love is," my dad told him. "I know that she's important to me. I know I would do anything for her. I know she's what I'm thinking about the moment I wake up and what I dream about when I go to sleep. I know that she's my first priority and she comes before anything else. Even what use to be my first love which is music. But she's taken first and she always will," he explained to my dad. My dad stared, surprised. "If that's not love, then I don't know what is." My dad looked down, speechless. I decided now to speak up myself. "The song we wrote for tonight was so you could see how we would feel if you tore us apart. You lost mom and it was out of your control. Don't you see that's how it is for us? I don't want to lose someone again, dad," I said softly. "You two...really want to be together. Don't you?" My dad looked up. "Yeah, I've never fought so hard for something," I answered truthfully. Keeping Luke was one of the biggest challenges I've ever faced, but it was all worth it. My dad sighed, looking at Luke. "I expect that you'll keep your word. You keep her as your top priority, put her first, and don't hold her back." Luke nodded. "Of course, sir." I smiled, knowing what this meant. "Thank you, daddy!" I hugged him, all my nerves slipped away. "I love you," I mumbled into his shoulder. "I love you too," he said. "Hey, Luke. Thanks for the help," Mikey said sarcastically as he and the others walked out. He noticed my dad though and grew serious. "Dad...are you leaving?" My dad nodded. "The show is over, isn't it?" Mikey gave a nod, looking down hesitantly before asking, "have you thought about me and the band?" "You guys put in a lot of time and work, and it shows to be paying off. It's not my kind of music...but I was impressed," my dad told him. "I'm proud of you, Michael." Michael grinned. "Thanks, dad. That means a lot." "Keep doing what you love. I'll always be here when you need me." Michael set his guitar down and walked over to hug my dad. I could tell it meant a lot to both of them since it was so rare these days. Michael went back and picked up his guitar after, Calum speaking up now. "Wait, so...what about you two?" He pointed to me and Luke. I looked up at Luke as he looked down at me. We pecked each other in the lips, smiling as our answer. "Well then, I say we celebrate a good night with some good food!" We all agreed, loading instruments and equipment into cars and deciding where to go for a celebratory dinner. I sat with Luke in the back of Mikey's car, a smile on my face. "So, since we can now...how about I take you out on a nice date tomorrow?" He suggested. I nodded. "Sounds great." This is the last chapter! All that's left is the epilogue so comment what you think!

Luv ya!

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