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Brianna's POV

After Luke and I made up, I debated whether or not to tell Mikey. When I got home I just went straight to my room, and didn't really speak to him the rest of the night. He obviously doesn't like us dating, but he should know. I also want to know why Mikey didn't explain Luke's side of the story to me when Luke asked him to. He may not like us together, but he should know that I deserved to know what happened.

It was the next morning and I happily slept in, being the best night sleep I've had since Luke and I's fight. I guess I slept well knowing everything was alright again.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to look for food. Jumping at the sound of a voice. "Morning, Brianna!" I turned around, my hand over my heart as I just now noticed my father sitting at the table.

I let out a breath and responded. "Daddy! You scared me!" I exclaimed, smiling though as I shut the fridge and walked over to him. I hugged him from his seat before sitting down beside him. "What are you doing? Don't you have work?" I asked, not use to seeing my dad on a Saturday morning.

"I have today off. They have to give me some breaks every now and then," he responded, smiling back.

"That's great! Maybe we could do something today! Get ice cream like old times, or eat at a restaurant, shop, I don't know, something!" I suggested, suddenly awake now from excitement.

"Yeah! I can take you and Michael out for breakfast since I've only had a coffee, and then maybe talk about what else to do today. As well as catch up so I can be updated on everything," my dad agreed.

I tried not to show my awkward self at the mention and the thought that followed of spending time with Mikey. My dad knows nothing about how the two of us have grown apart. "Um...yeah! But knowing Mikey, you might want to take us out for lunch instead of breakfast," I replied.

My dad chuckled, thinking I was joking. Mikey could literally sleep all day though if he wanted to. No exaggeration. "Okay, but if he isn't up by noon then we'll have to pull out a bucket," my dad laughed. Now I chuckled, knowing that we've had to do it to him before. Only once, but maybe today would make it twice.

By noon, Mikey was unfortunately awake, so no bucket. But I had gotten and ready to go out for lunch. I told myself to focus on spending time with my dad since I didn't get to do it often, and not worry about Mikey.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, we all sat down. The table was of course for four and I couldn't help but look at the empty seat and think of my mother.

"So, it's been a while since we've all just sat down and talked, huh? A few months actually. You've been in school for what, three months?" My dad asked.

"Nearly, I think it will be three months in about a week," I answered.

"How have things been with school? Are you getting good grades?" My dad asked, but more towards Mikey as he turned to look at him.

Mikey rolled his eyes. "I've been getting...decent grades..." he trailed off.

"Michael, we don't need you repeating another grade! It's your last year, you're in reach of your diploma!"

"I know dad, but it's just not something I care about. The only class I have an A in is my music class, and that's because that is something I care about!" Mikey explained.

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