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-Brianna's POV-

        I spotted Drew as soon as I entered a small restaurant that was near our school.  He was sitting by the wall, drinking what I assume is just water.  He smiled once our eyes met, causing me to walk over to him.

        "Hey," I greeted him as I sat across from him.

        "Hey, you look pretty," he complimented me, making me blush.

        "Uh, thank you," I said awkwardly.  I'm not really sure how to respond to compliments, it was rare that I ever got one.  I just brushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear.  "I'm honestly surprised you called," I changed the subject, not liking the attention.  Something as simple as a compliment can do that to me, or maybe it was just Drew.

        "Why?  I said I would."

        "I know, but people don't usually want to hang out with me.  Even if they tell me they do or that they'll call, it doesn't really happen," I explained, probably sounding like a complete loser.

        "Well I don't say things if I don't mean it.  I genuinely want to hang out with you, you seem like a cool and sweet girl," Drew said, once again bringing heat to my cheeks.

        "Thank you...that's nice of you to say," I replied awkwardly again.   Why did I have to be so awkward?

        The...not date but...hangout?  I don't know, whatever it was, went surprisingly good!  I found out Drew and I actually had stuff in common!  He cares a lot about school, plans to go to college, loves reading, hates when people talk incorrectly, and other things. 

        Of course, Mikey called and said I had to come home since I had been there for a long time.  I was a bit upset, but I know I have to listen to him.  Drew understood though and walked me out.

        "Thanks for hanging out with me, it was really fun," I thanked Drew as we walked out of the restaurant.

        "Thanks for coming, we should hang out again.  Not tomorrow since I have football practice, but sometime next week," he said.

        I nodded.  "Yeah, that sounds great!" I agreed, smiling at Drew.

        "I'll call or text then," Drew smiled back.  We stood there, staring into each other's eyes.  Before I knew it, Drew was slowly leaning in.  I lost my breath, starting to panic on the inside.  Was he about to kiss me? I've never kissed anyone!  I don't know what I'm doing!  What do I do?

        I backed away, awkwardly laughing.  "Um...I got to go now..." I trailed off.  Drew sucked in his lips and nodded giving a small smile.  I gave a wave before walking away.  I mentally hit myself, I could've just had my first kiss and I blew it!

        When I got home, I saw Mikey just watching television.  I slowly walked over to him, gaining his attention.  He glanced over at me, but looked back at the screen.

        "Have fun?  You were gone for a few hours," he blandly stated.

        I ignored his question and answered it with my own.  "Where's Luke?"

        "He left," Mikey answered simply, still not bothering to look at me.

        "Is he coming back?" I asked, trying to get more out of him.

        "Nope," Mikey answered, popping the "p".

        "But...we're supposed to work on our...project..." I trailed off, trying not to sound whiny.

        "Well maybe he didn't want to wait around for hours or have you leave him again to go have fun with your boyfriend," Mikey defended him.

        "Drew isn't my boyfriend, we just got lunch," I corrected him.

        "For three hours?"  He finally turned to face me, giving me a doubtful look.

        I shrugged, not sure what to say.  "We were just talking and...lost track of time."

        "Bet you were spending half of the time just making out," Mikey chuckled, facing the television again.

        My cheeks grew red at the mention of a kiss.  "Actually, we didn't kiss at all."

         "I've never heard of Drew taking a girl out without kissing her."

        "He tried but...I didn't let him."  I felt weird explaining this to my brother who didn't date or do anything with girls, other than occasionally having one night stands at parties when he's drunk.

        This grabbed Mikey's attention.  "Oh really?  My sister turned down a popular guy?" he questioned, somehow amused by this.  "Good job, sis.  I'm proud of you, Luke will pleased to hear this," he gave a nod of approval.

        I furrowed my eyebrows.  "Why would Luke care?"

        "Because at least you didn't ditch him to make out with some guy."

        "I didn't ditch him, I just..." I huffed, not sure how else to say I left him.  "Just tell Luke to come over tomorrow to work," I changed the subject, walking towards the stairs.

        "He won't, he said you guys are done working now and you'll turn in what you have," Mikey replied.

        I stopped in my tracks and turned back around.  "He...but...we're..." I groaned and stomped up to my room.  We weren't done!  We were close to done, yes, but not done!

        At school on Monday, I decided not to let Luke bring my day down.  Instead, I told Ally and Sophie all about my day with Drew, and of course talked to Drew in class.  It wasn't until my last class with Luke that I decided to talk about the poem.

        "Okay, I know you probably didn't like me leaving you to hang out with Drew on Saturday, but we still have to finish this poem," I got straight to the point as soon as Mrs. Gregory gave us work time.

        "We already finished!  There's enough in the poem that we can be done!"  Luke crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat.

        "No there's not!  We can't just finish on...I don't even know..." I grabbed the notebook out to see where we left off.  "Take a breath, no rest till the sunrise," I read aloud before looking back at Luke.  "We can't just stop it there, it's not really an end."

        "Well I'm sorry, but I don't want to go to your house at 10 am just to have you ditch me," he snapped, sitting up.

        "Luke, I didn't ditch you!  We needed a break anyway," I pointed out as he stood up and started walking away.  "Where are you going?"  I called to him as he opened the door.  He just left though, making me groan and sit down in an empty seat.  We're back to square one; not writing.

This is a bit short, but I have a week long break from school so I'll be updating again later this week!  Make sure to comment what you think, vote if you want, and maybe follow me, whatever floats your boat!

Luv ya!

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