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-Brianna's POV-

        The entire week was pretty quiet, as in I barely heard the band play.  It was actually concerning to me!  I was actually getting homework done without listening to their music, and I was starting to wonder what was going on.

        Today was Thursday and I just finished doing my homework, quicker since there was no music to distract me.  I sat in my room, becoming more and more curious as to why no music was playing, and kind of missing it.  So, I stood up and walked downstairs. 

        I walked to the door that separated me and the boys, pressing my ear against it and listening for what was going on.  I heard faint talking, but couldn't comprehend what was being said.  There was music that started playing though, only a guitar.  An acoustic guitar.  A few notes were strummed before more talking and I furrowed my eyebrows.  What were they doing?  Writing more songs?  They almost never do that!  I tried to focus a little more, and my jaw dropped at the familiar words that were softly being sung.

        I continued to listen for anything else that I could catch, but jumped at the sound of my phone going off in my pocket.  I panicked as I quickly pulled the phone out and answered it, finding it the quickest way to stop the ringtone.

        "Hello?"  I whispered, turning around and moving away from the door.  I prayed the boys were too distracted and didn't hear me!

        "Hey!  Why are you whispering?"  I recognized Sophie's voice on the other end.

        "Um...I'm doing my homework and you know quiet environments are the best, so I don't want to be too loud and get out of the one..." I attempted to come up with something.

        "Uh, okay...I was just going to ask you about our whole college plan and where we're gonna live.  Ally wanted me to because you didn't walk with us today and she can't call due to her phone being broken," Sophie explained, ignoring my lame excuse.

        "Oh!  Well...can we talk later?  You know, I got homework and stuff so..." I trailed off, hoping to get off the phone soon so I could figure out what was happening with the band or at least escape to my room.

        "Okay, text or call me when you finish because I'm already done," she said.

        "Yeah, I will!  Bye!"  I ended the call and slid the phone back in my pocket before turning around and screaming at what was behind me.  I quickly covered my mouth as a natural reaction, then holding my chest as my breathing slowed down. 

        "Wow, you are a terrible spy," Luke shook his head, walking closer to me.
        "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at them.

        "Nearly?  You mean I could've almost killed you?  So close!" Luke cursed sarcastically, although a hint in his voice said he wasn't joking.

        I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.  "Whatever," I muttered, slowly walking away.  "I'm just gonna...do some homework..." I tried escaping, hoping he wouldn't question me.  But of course he did.

        "Wait!  Don't think that I didn't hear you snooping!  All of us heard your phone go off!" Luke called, stopping me from walking any further.

        I turned around again.  "If all of you heard, why are you the one to confront me about it and not my brother?"  I asked, trying to somewhat change the subject.

        "Because he wants us to "become friendlier with each other", so he sends me to do anything that involves you in hopes something will click between us, since it happened with me and him," Luke explained.

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