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-Brianna's POV-

        I walked  downstairs Monday  morning, having no motivation whatsoever, which is weird for me because I  usually like school.  But today was different, today I couldn't call  Luke mine.  Today, I would have to see him and not be able to even speak  to him.  Today we were strangers, and the thought of it hurt.

         "Good morning, sweetie," my dad greeted me, acting as if nothing  happened yesterday.  I just stared at him, deciding if I wasn't allowed  to talk to Luke, I wasn't allowed to talk to him.  So I show no emotion,  or disappointment if anything.  He took a look at me before speaking.   "What are you wearing?"  he asked.

        I looked down at ,  unsure what he meant.  I remained silent though, just raising an  eyebrow.  Mikey looked over at me, shrugging.  "I like it," he  complimented.

        "Exactly, it's not what she should be  wearing.  Girls shouldn't be wearing leather, covered in black, and  their hair just thrown up.  She should look sophisticated, sweet,  pretty...or at least put together," my dad explained.

        I  glared at him, going from sad to angry.  So, I went upstairs, put my  hair down, and placed a beanie on y head instead.  I came downstairs and  gave a smug smile.  Mikey snorted at me as my dad just stared at me.

        "I didn't mean to put a beanie on, I meant to actually do your hair," he said.

         I took a deep breath, walking past my dad and grabbing a piece of bread  and slabbing some peanut butter on.  I wanted to get out of here as  soon as possible, and if that meant eating in the car then I could live  with that.  I put my backpack on, stuck the bread in my mouth, and  grabbed Mikey.  I dragged him outside to the car, hopping in.

        "You know, I wasn't done eating," he said, starting the car though.

         I shrugged, biting my bread and holding it in my hand now.  "Sorry, but  I couldn't be in there with him for one more second," I apologized,  buckling up.

        "Was it the comment about your hair that got  you?" Mikey joked.  I just stared at him, not finding it funny.   "Sorry," he said once he realized I wasn't going to laugh.

         "Seriously, he's starting to criticize everything I do.  What I wear,  who I'm with, what I do with my life..." I listed, getting worked up  just talking about it.

        "Doesn't feel too good, does it?" Mikey questioned.

         "No!  It's like he doesn't even care!  Like he doesn't  under...stand..." I stopped, thinking about what I was saying.  I looked  over at Mikey, my face softened.  "That's how you've felt, isn't it?" I  asked softly.

        Mikey nodded.  "For about five years now..." he breathed out.

         I looked down, feeling bad.  Mikey has dealt with this for years while I  was getting praised.  Mikey was being his true self, and I was being  who my dad wanted me to be.  "I'm sorry, Mikey...but at least you  weren't being someone who you're not."

        "You're learning."

         "Yeah, but I'm to the point now where I'm stuck.  I can't do anything I  want!  I can't date or even talk to Luke, I nearly had my favorite  class taken away from me, and even my clothes are considered  "forbidden"," I said.

        "And to think, this all started because of Luke," Mikey brought up.

         I couldn't even deny it because it was true, so I nodded.  "Yeah...Luke  taught me to be my true self," I redefined what he meant.

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