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-Michael's POV-

During the weekend, all I could think about was Sophie. I couldn't focus on anything, not even music. Would she really break up with because of Luke and Brianna? I'm just trying to listen to my dad and do what's best for Brianna, but maybe this isn't what's best. It seemed as if she lost all motivation and joy, I've never seen her like this.

Monday came and I walked into school, taking my time to do so. I walked Brianna to her locker, seeing waiting there. I took a deep breath, pulling Sophie aside.

"Have you made your decision?" she asked once we were alone.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ignored her question.

She gulped, looking down. "You've decided, haven't you?" she concluded, still not looking at me.

"Yeah, I needed to. I have to do what's right."

She sighed, nodding and still keeping her eyes down. She took the flannel that was wrapped around her waist and held it out to me. "This is yours. I wore it today just in case, and I can give you the rest o your things after school today."

I furrowed my eyebrows, pushing the flannel away, "You don't need to give this back to me."

"No Michael, I do. I can't hold on to this, it'll just be reminder," she finally looked up. "It will only hurt to keep it."

"Why? I can give you another one instead," I offered jokingly, knowing what she was doing now. She gave me a confused expression, making me smile.

Her eyes brightened up once she realized what I was doing, wrapping her arms around me and burying her face into my shoulder. I squeezed her, feeling like I did the right thing.

"I thought you were going to break up with me," she said into my shoulder.

I chuckled. "I could never, not over something like this," I told her as we pulled away. "Besides, I thought about this a lot and you're right. All I wanted was Brianna to be happy, and she clearly isn't. I want her to be happy again."

Sophie smiled at me. "I'm so glad you realized! We can work to fix this now!"

"Yeah but...there's still my dad. He's still against this you know," I reminded her.

She nodded. "I know, but I have a plan for that. If you'll help me of course..." she trailed off, giving me a mischievous grin.

"What's going on in that mind of yours?" I asked her.

"A lot. So much, that I think we should discuss it over dinner tonight. Is your house okay? I feel like ordering take out and watching movies," she suggested, but almost in a demanding way.

"Sounds like a perfect date," I agreed, just in time for the bell to ring for class. We shared a quick little kiss before I walked her to class, not Brianna.

I had Chinese take out sitting on the counter and a stack of movies ranging from romance to horror as I waited for Sophie to arrive. I had pajama pants on just like Sophie would once she got here, it being a tradition to eat some kind of food we delivered in pajamas and having a movie marathon. We frequently had movie nights and it was my favorite way to spend time with her.

The doorbell rang and I happily answered it, pecking on the lips as she entered. I led her into the living room, letting her get settled as I brought the food over.

"Chinese, just what I was hoping for," she smiled, taking a container of cashew chicken-her favorite.

"I laid out some movies that we haven't watched together yet. I don't know if you want to watch comedy, horror, drama..." I listed.

She shrugged. "I'm down for whatever. Do you have a preference?" she asked, making me smile. One of the reasons I like her so much is because she's not so high strung.

"Um...I'm kinda in the mood for comedy," I said.

She nodded in agreement. "Cool, but before we pick which movie, we need to do something," she said, setting her food down on the coffee table beside her. I furrowed my eyebrows, doing the same. She picked up her phone, dialing a number. "TIME!" she yelled into the phone, though I was unsure why.

Just then the front door opened, Calum, Ashton, and Luke entering as Brianna came from upstairs. I looked around at all of them, confused as to what was happening.

"Um...Soph? What's going on? They aren't watching the movie with us...are they?" I asked.

Sophie chuckled. "No, but they are here to talk. About a plan to be a little more specific."

Talk? About what? Brianna then went over Luke who wrapped his arm around her and I suddenly got a feeling what we would be talking about. "Oh shit."

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