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-Brianna's POV-

        As the week went on, Luke continued to try and get me to talk.  Most of the time it was by getting me angry, but I kind of just made it backfire on him.  If he made rude comments, I hit him with whatever was in my hand (which was most of the time a book), if he bumped into me, I'd trip him, and when  he got to the point of getting Sophie to try and get me to talk while he was "casually" walking by, then I would throw something at him.  It was like a fun little game that I always won.

        I brought Sophie and Ally home with me today since we all had a history project together, and it was due in two weeks.  We were obviously only in the planning phase at the moment.

        When we got inside, I made sure Luke was downstairs before I said anything, glad he was.  "Okay, I'm getting a drink, but you guys can go upstairs.  You want anything to drink?" I offered.

        "No, I'm good," Ally nodded.

        "Same," Sophie agreed.  Probably the first time they've agreed this week.

        "Okay, I'll be up in a minute," I said before they left.  I walked over to the cupboard and got a cup down, then turned around only to drop the cup and squeal in fear.  Luke was standing there, wearing his usual smirk.  He's lucky that cup wasn't glass or filled with water.  I just rolled my eyes and picked up the cup, walking over to the fridge.

        "Well, I finally got you to make some sort of noise," he said.  I wanted to tell him it was nothing to be proud of, but I also knew I couldn't.  "I think you might be finally cracking."  You wish.  "Because let's face it, you miss talking to me."

        I put my cup under the sensor, causing it to start pouring water.  Luke followed and stood behind me.  "You probably just miss me in general.  You miss talking, you miss hanging out, you might even miss writing with me," he went on.  I couldn't deny that he was right, because I did miss spending time with Luke, and it hadn't even been a full week. 

        I could hear Luke's footsteps and tell that he was closer to me now.  "I bet you even miss the little thing we had going on," he continued as I grabbed my cup once it was filled.  "You miss being playful with me, you miss  hugging me, you miss being close to me..." he stepped closer so I could feel his breath on my skin as leaned down to my ear.  "You miss sneaking around..."

        I stood there, not sure what to do.  I felt almost mesmerized and unable to move, maybe even weak.  I had to get out of here, I had to go to my room to Ally and Sophie, and away from Luke.  I tried walking away, but Luke put his arm in front of me, pushing me back to the fridge so I was facing him now.  This was even worse to actually look at him.

        He chuckled.  "Trying to run from the truth?  I know you a lot better than I use to, Brie.  Biographies are great," he said sarcastically, but he was right.  This biography project made it so we both knew more about each other, and he unfortunately remembered things.  He stepped forward, so I stepped back until my back was pressed against the fridge.  "I know you miss me, and you know what one of the things you probably miss the most?" he asked, leaning in so we were centimeters apart.  "You miss my kiss," he kept his voice low. 

        I stared into his eyes, trying to figure out how I could make this all backfire on him like normal.  He moved closer, and I slowly followed his lead and leaned in as well.  I placed my hand on his shoulder and could feel his lips brush mine, making me freeze.  We hadn't been this close for what seemed like forever, and I almost regret what I did next.  I used all my force and kneed him where no guy wants to be kneed, resulting in Luke collapsing to the ground in pain.  I giggled before taking a sip of water and finally going upstairs.  I'll admit, part of me wanted to actually kiss Luke, but he wasn't winning this.  I'm still mad at him, and he can't expect that I would give in.

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