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-Ally's POV-

2 Days Until Gig

"So the rent shouldn't be too much if all three of us keep up our end," I finished explaining to Sophie how us and Brianna would pay for an apartment once we were in college. Sophie gave a nod but didn't really look convinced. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is something wrong? Do you have another suggestion?" I asked her.

She gave a surprised look. "No! No, that all makes sense!"

"Then why doesn't it seem like you agree with it?"

"I never said I disagreed. It's really is a good plan, but about the whole doctor thing...we're still doing it?" she asked.

Now I was surprised. "Of course, why wouldn't we? It's all we've dreamed about since middle school, why would it be any different?" I questioned, wondering if she was thinking of backing out now.

Sophie shrugged. "Well...have you talked to Brianna lately?"

I frowned, realizing I really haven't. "Not much. I guess I need to check with her about the plan..." I trailed off, thinking when to talk to Brianna. I looked up when I noticed Brianna and Michael walking through the front doors, almost on cue.

Brianna walked over to us, a small grin on her face as she did. "Hey, I need to take Sophie for a minute, see you in class!" She rushed to say without even stopping. She just took Sophie's wrist and pulled her along. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as they walked fast and then turned the corner. A few seconds later, Michael, Calum, Ashton, and Luke did the same. Something's going on...

I checked the time and saw there was ten minutes until class. I had some time. I walked quickly and followed their footsteps, seeing what was going on.

After a few turns and a lot of walking, the group all went into the band room. What are they doing in there? What's going on? I had so many questions.

I quietly walked to the door, peaking in through the small window and seeing them all gathered in a circle. Calum, Michael, and Sophie were all sitting while Aston was grabbing something from the corner and Brianna and Luke were standing. My jaw dropped as I watched Luke put his arm around Brianna and Brianna rest her head on him. They're together again? And Michael is okay with it?

My question about what they were all doing was still unanswered, and even though I tried to hear what they were saying, I couldn't. The fact they were in the band room where the walls were made thicker to keep noise in didn't help. They were all talking though and Ashton had gotten some drum sticks. As I tried reading lips, Sophie looked up, making eye contact with me.

My eyes widened as I panicked and ducked down, hoping she didn't really see me. My heart was pounding as I tried to listen for any sign of movement, but then the door opened and I froze.

"Ally?" Brianna's voice spoke up.

"I thought I saw you!" Sophie chimed in as I slowly stood up to face them.

"What are you doing?" Brianna asked me.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? Dragging Sophie in here, the guys following, all of you meeting up," I listed, wanting an explanation.

They all exchanged glances, wondering who was going to speak up. "Nothing is going on," Luke finally said.

I glared at him. "Oh really? You think I didn't notice your arm around Brianna?" I raised an eyebrow, making his eyes widen in fear. "You think I didn't notice Ashton getting drum sticks? You think I didn't notice all of you talking about something?" I continued. Everyone was silent. "I noticed it all! Now I expect an explanation, and I expect it to be the truth," I demanded.

Brianna looked down but stepped forward. "All of us have been meeting up the past few days for...a plan," she started, looking at me. "A plan to have my dad let me and Luke be together and accept us."

I stood there, my face softened. "That's it?"

Brianna gave a surprised look. "Well...yeah..."

"I thought you were all getting involved with drugs or something, but this? This is it?" I questioned, my voice raising. "Why didn't you tell me? I mean, my two best friends and their boyfriends' group all meet up and leave me out, why?"

"I thought you didn't want me and Luke together? We didn't think you'd go along with it," Brianna answered.

I sighed. "Look, I may not be Bruke's number one fan, but that doesn't mean I don't want you to be happy," I told her.

They all stood there for a moment before Calum broke the silence. "Did you just refer to them as Bruke?" he exclaimed, bursting into laughter. Everyone else slowly joined in and my cheeks inflamed from embarrassment.

"It's their ship name! You know, their names combined...I thought that was a thing..." I tried to explain as they laughed.

"I just didn't expect someone like you to say that," Calum shook his head as the laughter died down.

I raised an eyebrow. "Someone like me?" I questioned.

Calum didn't seem affected though and shrugged. "Yeah, someone who's smart and always right and saying smart things," he said.

I looked to the side, not expecting that. "Well...you think I'm always right?" I grinned, looking back up at him.

He shrugged again. "Well...maybe not always but..." he trailed off.

"No! You said, I heard you, we all heard you!" I stopped him, giving a grin. "Just keep that in mind whenever I'm around though, because I am and I'll bring this moment back up the minute you think otherwise," I challenged before turning to the rest of the group. "Now, when's the next little meeting so I can hop long on this little plan?"

It's been a while, I know! But I hope you like this chapter and this side of Ally that's a bit...different. Opinions? Please comment, you guys have been so amazing lately and I just want to thank you all!

Luv ya!

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