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-Luke's POV-

        I stayed up all night thinking about Brie and what happened last night.  No one had ever stood up for me like she said, and knowing how hard that must have been for her to say that to Drew made it even more amazing.  
        This confused me though.  I thought I hated Brie!  She's an annoying, stubborn, goody-goody nerd, everything I hate!  We have nearly nothing in common and I can't stand being around her!  But on the other hand, she makes me feel so different!  I get this weird feeling in my stomach, thoughts are always racing through my head, and I almost want to be around her!  Even one kiss gave me such an indescribable feeling that no one else could give me, and it was even her first kiss!
        I knocked on the Clifford's door surprisingly on time, ready to walk around town with Brie.  Walking around shouldn't be too bad, as long as she doesn't get on my nerves like she does a lot.

        Brie opened the door, grinning at me.  There's that weird feeling again that I hate.  Why does she do that?  And why do I feel oddly attracted to her when she's just wearing a big coat, glasses, hair down and natural, and in lazy clothes?

        "Hey, you're on time!" she exclaimed sarcastically, but something seemed off.

        I ignored it with a chuckle, rolling my eyes.  "Don't get too excited, I won't always be on time," I replied, knowing she was already going to comment on my timing.

        She smiled a real smile, shaking her head as she slipped on some sneakers.  "I wouldn't ever expect so much from you," she said, making me smile at her simple humor.

        "Well, are we gonna go now?" I asked, becoming impatient.  I could tell she was rolling her eyes at me now without even seeing her face.  She stood back up though and gave small nod, walking out and closing the door behind her.  We started walking, but it was silent.  "Uh...are we just going to walk around town, no where certain?"

        "That's the plan, is there anywhere you want to go or something?  I mean, somewhere you enjoy going can tell a lot about you," she said, but I could tell there was something different about her.  She  wasn't as happy or upbeat.

        "I don't care...are you going to ask questions?"

        "Are you going to ask relevant questions?" she snapped back, but not in a playful way.

        I furrowed my eyebrows.  "What's your problem?"


        "Why are you being so snappy?  That time of month or something?" I remarked.  This was the annoying side that turned me off...wait...she doesn't even turn me on?

        "Don't even make jokes like that!  That's so annoying and I hate when guys do that!  Girls can be angry, I mean, what about when guys are angry?  They can't have that time of month, so why is..."

        "BRIE!"  I cut her off from anymore rambling.  God, she gives me headaches sometimes! 

        "Sorry," she breathed, looking down.  I gave her time to think, understanding she needed some silence.  "I...I'm just not in the best mood, I guess."

        "Are you ever?" I muttered, earning a glare from her.  I pressed my lips in a firm line, as if apologizing.  "What's wrong?"

        "I don't think you're the best person to tell," she admitted, slightly offending me.

        "I think we're at a point where that doesn't matter anymore," I said, both of us knowing it was true.  We've told each other so many things.

        "I...um...you know what happened yesterday?  W-with Drew?" she started, making me furrow my eyebrows and wondering where she was going with this.  I nodded though and let her continue.  "I talked to him last night and tried to talk and make up for the fight but..." she started breathing quick, trying not to cry and continue talking instead.

        I looked around before back at Brie.  "Brie, clam down!  Deep breaths, then finish," I instructed, hoping there wouldn't be a repeat of when we were in the park.

        She nodded, taking a deep breath and blinking away tears.  She somehow managed to not let any escape.  "He...he broke up with me b-because he thinks t-that I'll cheat on him w-with you."

        "Does he really think that someone like you would cheat?  With someone like me?" I questioned doubtfully.  We're two completely different people, and yeah we've shared some moments, but they don't mean anything. 

        She shrugged.  "I guess so."

        "I don't know why I should have to explain this, but you're a nerd, and I'm in a band.  That just doesn't add up!"

        "What's that suppose to mean?" she asked, sounding offended.

        "You wear glasses, I wear band tees.  You study hard, I party hard.  You love homework, I love rocking out!" I went on and on, stopping us both from walking.  "You're a good girl, and  I'm a bad boy."

        Brie crossed her arms.  "Opposites attract sometimes, Luke.  Besides, you're making it sound like you're out of my league, when in fact, I could be out of your league!" she poked my chest.

        I scoffed.  "Please, I always get invited to parties, I'm known around the school, and every girl wants to get with me!" I bragged, proud of my reputation of a bad boy.  That wasn't even half of it.

        "Sure, you've got good rep around school, but my knowledge is what's going to really matter someday!  I have straight A's, participate in extracurricular activities when possible, never failed a test, always do homework, and already have colleges asking for my acceptance!" she listed, raising an eyebrow.  "Shall I go on?"

        "Please do!  Go on about how smart you are while there's basically a line of girls wanting me!" I said sarcastically.

        "Not every girl wants you, Luke!  I don't, Sophie doesn't, and Ally doesn't!"

        I kept my mouth shut now, not wanting to say anything.  Let's just say Ally and I have a past that no one knows, and we both want to keep it that way.  "Not entirely true..."

        "You are so conceited!  Why do I even tell you this kind of crap, just look what it turns into; a fight!"  she yelled.  I held back a smile, for some reason liking how angry she was that her nose scrunched.  I shook that thought out of my head, hating that I have those thoughts.  I'm supposed to be mad at her!

        I groaned in frustration, not only in her but in myself.  "God, I hate you so much!"

        "I think we've both made that pretty clear!" she snapped, her arms crossed.

        "No, you don't get it!  You have like two sides to you!"

        "Me?  You're the one who's bipolar!  One minute you're comforting me and the next you're screaming at me!" she pointed out.

        "That's because you confuse me!  I'm suppose to hate you!  You're annoying, stubborn, close-minded, and a complete nerd!  But while you do all this stupid stuff, I find that I get this weird feeling in my stomach and I don't know what the hell it is!  I sometimes get nervous, I have thoughts that I never have, and I just the urge to...to..."
        "To what, Luke!  Spit it out!" she demanded.  That's exactly what I'm talking about!  She's so annoying but something about her just...attracts me to her!  "Come on, what?!"

        At this point, I gave in to the urge.  I moved towards her so her back was pressed against the wall as I smashed my lips onto hers.  That same feeling came, with the weird tingle on my lips as I craved more, to that stupid feeling in my stomach.  How could she possibly do this, and be the only one to do it?

        When I pulled away, Brie just stared at me, shocked.  Just looking into her eyes made me want to do it again, but I know I can't.  Instead, I backed away a cussed under my breath.  I shook my head.  "I got to go," I muttered before walking off and leaving Brie, and even myself, in confusion.

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