Chapter 1: Wellston? Easy.

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My eyes are blue? No they aren't, that's just some strange eye condition I have. I honestly have brown eyes but for some reason the color of my ability also resonates in my eye pupils so whenever I activate my powers they turn blue.

Whoa, whoa do I need to slow down? Sorry.

I'm Emerson. I'm 15 years old.

My ability is Energy Manipulation annnnnd my level?

I don't mean to brag but its 9.9

Impressive huh?

Anyways today I start my first day at Wellston...........

Hooboy Wish me luck.

- Wellston High -

Wow, this place is soooo big. I might get lost here, I mean I won't but damn.
The place was really big, it was imitating.

I had already registered and got my dorm everything so all I really had to do was just tour the place and go to class.

If I remember someone named Seraphina was gonna tour me?

I was very nervous since I hadn't really been to school in a very long time, I had been homeschooled most of my life.

The reason I'm going to Wellston was because of certain situations where my folks couldn't homeschool me right now so for a while I'm going here.

Besides I could get some new friends and all.

C'mon Emerson, don't be nervous. It'll be OK.

Some purpled hair girl comes up to me and smiles. I was startled for sure when she began talking to me out of the blue.

"Hey!" She smiled at me.

I froze for a second but then I caught myself. "H-Hi."

"You're the new kid Vaughn was talking to me about right?" She assumed.

"Yeah I guess so." I said sheepishly.

"Well c'mon I'll show you around." She said.

"Oh OK." I said surprised.

She was very friendly for some reason?

She showed me around the halls of the building, where the cafeteria and the library was, where were the battle field was and some place called the "Safe House"?

"So what'd you think?" She asked.

"O-Oh um, I think it was pretty cool." I answered her as politely as I could.

"I'm Seraphina by the way." She told me.

Oh so Seraphina was the one who showed me around. Thank goodness I assumed correctly.

"I'm Emerson." I said to her.

"Interesting name." She commented. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your ability?"

"Its Energy Manipulation." I answered.

"Damn your gonna make the King look bad" she joked "Mine is Time Manipulation. That's one thing we got in common!"

"The King? Why would I make him look bad?" I asked because she doesn't know my level yet.

"The King? His name is Blyke, his ability is Energy Discharge. You probably can do everything he can but better." She explained.

"Oh OK." I said.

"Well we better be heading to class, it was nice meeting you!" She said.

I walked into my classroom and the teacher introduced me to the class which was rather awkward. Everyone was really nice to me for some reason, especially after I revealed my ability.

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