Chapter 31: Alternate

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I'm adding another writer's OC in my book ( I guess at this point this is just one big group book IDK ), sure it seems unoriginal but hey its fun alright? The character belongs to 

@BreezeA52 so be sure to check them out and enjoy the chapter everyone!

EMBER Side Division 3, HQ  5:30:

I felt a little nervous, well mostly because I didn't like having a LOT of people. I'm very introverted, which is why I only have a few friends.

Anyways I had the room all cleaned up and I even left out some snacks ( You know how hungry kids can get these days. ) so it was all good and ready.

I hope.

Soon the door knocked and I started to get REALLY nervous but I stayed calm and opened the door.

Alright Em don't get nervous just keep calm and just open the door for goodness sake....

"Hello?" I opened the door and I SAW A BUNCH OF PEOPLE!?

"Uh did we come at the wrong time? You said five thirty right?" Skyla scratched her head.

"N-no it's just uh."


I honestly LOOKED like I was holding a party when in reality I was JUST trying to do Skyla's idea which I am now regretting.

"Actually it's nothing you guys can come in." I tried to hold in my panic.

"Whoa you actually own ALL of this?" Blyke said in awe.

"Yeah haha." I said while actually cringing at my own voice.

Damn it why am I so insecure all of a sudden?

Soon everyone was inside and as I began I noticed somebody new here, I looked over at her and asked "Oh, you're new here. I don't think I have ever seen you around."

"Um yeah Skyla invited me here, I don't really go to Wellston. My name is Reese, I hope you don't mind." She humbly introduced herself,

"Oh no I don't, you're welcome to be here. We need all the help we can." I said.


"Yeah I couldn't find John again, he's always out doing something." Skyla rolled her eyes.

"It's fine we already got you two, Fiora and Blyke." I added "That's plenty."

"To be honest we have too much females here." Fiora sighed to herself.

"You just afraid that some girls may steal Emerson." Skyla teased.

"Excuse me what is going on here?!" I exclaimed.

"Says the person who brought BLYKE, their new CRUSH!" Fiora shouted back while giggling to herself.

"Wait what now?" Blyke questioned.

"NO!" Skyla got irriated "FIORA!?"

"What? It's true?" Fiora shrugged.

Soon the girls were about to fucking fight each other but then I shouted firmly "ALRIGHT STOP IT! NO ONE IS GETTING SOME FUCKING DUDE OR SOME SHIT WE ARE HERE TO FUCKING DISCUSS ON BEING ALTERNATE VIGILANTES!!!"

Golly, lower your estrogen girls.

"So uh Skyla likes me?" Blyke asked while eating a pre-made sandwich

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"So uh Skyla likes me?" Blyke asked while eating a pre-made sandwich.

"No one likes nobody alright? Let's just get this done?" I said annoyed.

"You've said it." Reese sighed.

"HEY HE'S MINE!" Fiora yelled at her.

"I SAID!" I just gave up at this point.

I got in the room in the back and came back holding a box of special watches, then I laid them all on a table showing them.

I got in the room in the back and came back holding a box of special watches, then I laid them all on a table showing them

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"Alright you guys see these?" I began.

"Yeah, those are smartwatches." Blyke answered. "I have one of those."

"You're right to some extent, they run a mini version of android BUT their main purpose is actually to power an artificially made ability. " I explained.

"But why?" Reese asked.

"Its a small one sure, but its used for cripples OR those who need a different ability temporarly. What it does is that it shuts off your natural ability with this little scanner at the bottom and uses the microprocessor on the watch to power the ability stored in the watch so you use that instead." I continued.

"Wait so could I have like John's ability on that?!" Blyke got riled up.

"Um kinda, the strongest it can go is like 5.0 however this watch hasn't fully finished development so its still in beta. Meaning that we can't get a Manipulation type ability on it yet." I explained feeling a little bad.

"Oh, I see." Blyke said a little disappointed.

I sighed to myself and remembered that Josh had actually fired the developers on this watch project so now I had to go out and find new devs, which would be a pain in the ass but whatever.

"Yeah, alright so Skyla had this idea where we would all have an alternate ability, dye our hair, change our names and go out vigilantism. So I would like everyone to take one of these devices and then we will proceed with the next process."

Everyone chose a watch of style and color by choice. After that I picked whatever was left and the proceeded to continue.

"Alright EMBER left us some artifical abilities to work with, they are all level 2.0 so go with you're pick." 


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