Chapter 10: Unforgivable Predator

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- First Health Hospital -

"Arlo something bad happened!" I frantically yell at my old enemy on the phone.

I was shaking as I was holding the phone, I of course knew it didn't happen to me but Sera was my only stability and now that she's down, I'm down.

"John, calm down you idiot! What the fuck happened?" Arlo asked concerned.

"Its Sera!" I began "S-She....was raped." I stutter.

"What?!" Arlo exclaimed "Where are you?"

I grasp my phone firmly but then relax, I try to calm down so I don't give myself a heart attack. "First Health Hospital" I answered.

"OK I'll meet you there!" He finished and hung up.

I wanted to throw my phone so bad out of anger. Like I said before, Sera was my only stability.

Now she's down and I don't know how to help her.

That dark aura I sensed, who owns it? Who did this to her?! I won't ask Sera who because I don't want to upset her but how will ever find out who did this??

Whoever took her down must have been pretty powerful since she was 8, so this dude must be a lot stronger.

I could feel my aura start to flare, for some reason it felt stronger as it was fueled by my rage.

Calm down John, no need to get worked up right now. Just keep it cool.

Arlo soon arrived at the hospital, he rushed up to me and looked concerned "Is she OK?"

"I don't know! She's in there and I don't know what's happening to her and-"

Arlo put a hand on my shoulder and firmly said "Remember when something like this happened last time? There's no use in worrying like this, the fact is we need to find who did this to her OK?"

I wanted to punch Arlo so bad for being so careless about her but I soon realized I was being irrational and and he was right.

"Alright fine." I muttered annyoed.

"Besides we are stronger now and have more god tiers on our side. So we will find out who did this." Arlo assured.

For the first time ever, I thought Arlo as a friend not an enemy. But it only lasted for like 3 minutes.

"OK I understand." I nodded.

A nurse came up to the both of us out of nowhere and said "You may see her now."

- Wellston Boys Dorm -

My final plan to take down Ember, is laid out on my table.

I had a grudge against them.....

To be honest the National Event is not real, its a set up by Ember themselves. The point was to gather as many god tiers and capture them and harvest them for their abilities.

However only I knew of this.

Fiora and John sadly do not know but I did, which is why I'm enlisting so I can go stop t.

I will tell them eventually so they can I stead aid me but for now I had to prepare to save several god tiers from enslavement and ability harvesting.

Everything I needed to actually stop the event was in front of me.

I made sure I never told anyone of my plan just so I could make sure that no one could disrupt it.

I didn't even trust myself, that's why I appeared to look excited to go.

Anyways why am I doing this? Well first what I have mentioned before and the other reason is to get back at them.

I hate them.

For what? You may ask....

I'll tell you.

I was a reject, specifically for Ember's main fighter.

I was told I was to weak during the final exams.

All my training wasted, all for nothing.

I was a measly 6.2 at the time.

Ever since then I vowed I would prove them wrong.

Haha now I'm a 9.9, besides I wouldn't want to be in Ember anymore anyways knowing what they do now.

Ember, you think you'll get several super soldiers and abilities. One of the strongest people on earth is going to fucking end you once and for all.

I had to tell Fiora and John of course, plus they are similar in strength as I so it would be good to have back up.

In case something goes wrong, which it shouldn't.

I packed up everything into a small back pack and zipped it up, tomorrow was the "event" Ember had so called set up.

I moved to Wellston so I could defeat them MYSELF for once.

Anyways I hid my stuff and changed out of my old clothes into something comfortable.

I need to relax right now because tomorrow I'll unleash hell.

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