Chapter 34: I fucking gave up

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"Wait a minute there's more of them!" Skyla panicked.

"YES dumbass THERE ARE MORE!" I yelled back.

Soon there was more and more coming. Soon there was like 30 guys around us.

All of them are at LEAST mid tiers unlike us, the fuck do we do?!

Fiora kept a small but weak shield orbiting around us pretty fast but slow enough for anyone with a decent swift or speed ability could get past through.

"We have you all surrounded, please freeze and you have the right to remain silent." A loudspeaker said.

The man put down the loudspeaker to reveal a familiar man, it was Jack.

"Well what in the flibbertigibbety FUCK do we have here? Hmm? A bunch of BRATS not much younger than me trying to be super heroes when they are weak ass hell?" Jack said.

"I'll make you eat those words!" Skyla exclaimed and turned into a doberman who proceeded to run after Jack and literally bit his balls.

"AH MY BALLS!" Jack yelled. "BAD DOG BAD DOG!!" He threw Skyla away and proceeded to hop around holding his bleeding balls.

"Yeah I neutered him!" Skyla said.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!?!" I yelled at her.

"You know what? FUCK IT! Ill surround you in a holy barrier that will FILL with Holy Water and fucking DROWN YOU ALL!"

I got so shocked when he said that and I tried to speed away but since Jack was 5.2 levels higher than my Acceleration he surrounded us in a divine barrier that immediately filled up with holy water.

My hair dye being cheap as shit compared to everyone else's faded away and everyone's aura watch had broke.

But there was a problem, it broke in a way that you couldn't even activate your natural ability without taking it off, which is super difficult in HOLY WATER.

I tried to rip off the watch with my teeth and then I realized that my eyes started to burn cause my contacts fell out so now everyone could see my natural eye color again.

Damn it there's no point in hiding NOW! Shit I have to do something to save everyone.

While everyone else was struggling to get the dumb watch working I just decided to expose my self to save everyone else.

I charged my ability as fast and as powerful as I could and began making an energy surge.

I charged my ability as fast and as powerful as I could and began making an energy surge

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I unleashed an energy surge and broke the barrier EASILY.

I jumped out soaking wet and Jack noticed me.

"Wait you were WITH those weak peices of shit?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Because they needed my help, who else would let a bunch of low tiers be heroes and shit just for them to die?" I explained.

I charged at him at energy speeds and upper cutted him and slashed him harsh with an energy blade.

Jack fell down coughing up blood and turned into Angelic form and started to attack me with a angelic spear.

"I can fucking kill you, you know? You dumb blonde bitch." I yelled.

"Don't have to be racist you fucking Mexican looking bitch." He yelled back.

"It's just that it's hard to insult blondes since they are so perfect and ahem LIBERAL." I smirked.

That pissed him off really bad and he was about to decapitate me with his big phat angelic sword but I caught it with my hand that was glowing blue.

I shattered the sword by squeezing it and I stabbed him with a foot wide energy blade.

"Ho-how dare you call me a liberal, you know I'm right winger!" Jack said.

"I know, I just found a weakness so I could strike you." I smirked.

He was about to attack again when I slammed him down so hard with an energy punch.

He fell into the ground and returned to human form and started to die. I turned around and saw the 30 something goons start to go after my teammates. "Hey LEAVE THEM ALONE YOU MIDDLE AGED USELESS PEICES OF SHIT!"

I released several energy shards and stabbed all of the goons before they could get to my team.

I ran over to them and asked "Are you guys OK?!"

They all told me they were fine and I felt a little sense of peace.

"You idiot now you are AGAIN an enemy of DARK LORD." Fiora realized.

"What was I supposed to do? Let you all drown?!"

"Honestly I would have liked that." Skyla mumbled.

"But I would be so sad if you drowned." Blyke said to her.

"But you'd be dead too." She explained.

"Maybe but still." Blyke added.

"Alright enough SYKE alright? We need to get fucking home. Josh will realize that I'm his enemy and start to attack whatever is left of EMBER so we have to hustle home." I explained.

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