Chapter 24: Jack Of DARKLORD

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Hansolo_JJ's OC Jack from the books Flame Of Revenge and unLoved is gonna be added to this story so please go give those a read if you want a more indepth look of his character.

DARKLORD Central, Josh's POV:

"Good morning Mr. CEO." My secretary greeted me. "How was EMBER?"

"Horrible, it sucks having to deal with two RIVAL organizations. Luckily I already have plans to be succeeded in EMBER so I'll have time off " I explained

"Ah OK, DARKLORD's Lead Of Combat wants to speak with you!"

"Alright send him to my office, I'll be there once I get my coffee."

Sighing to myself, I walked into the cafeteria and made myself some dark roast coffee without cream or sugar. After that I started to walk to my office feeling tiresome

"It's good to see you Mr. CEO after all this time." Someone said.

"Jack? Oh hello there, it's been a while since I seen you " I said as I sat down on my desk chair  "What is it that you want?"

Jack was leaning against the walls with his hands in his pocket. He looked like he had just got back from something.

"I'm DARKLORD'S lead in combat, why can't I go and retrieve the abilities you desire

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"I'm DARKLORD'S lead in combat, why can't I go and retrieve the abilities you desire. You can't just take over everything JUST like Ember." Jack started "I'm a 7.2 in Angelic Transformation so I'm pretty sure I can handle it compared to your Shadow ability."

I got up from my desk and smiled. "And I am a 10.2 but I do see your point."

I walked around my office and pulled out an old picture binder I held it firmly and opened it up to a specific page.

"You're ability is pretty unique." I began. "So is the abilities he is searching for."

Jack got interest and looked directly. "Go on."

I pulled out a picture in my hand. "See him?"

"Yes?" Jack answered "What about him?"

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"Yes?" Jack answered "What about him?"

"He is working for me to get all of the abilities I need, which is why I almost don't need you anymore. I mean he IS stronger." I chuckled.

Jack slammed his hand on the table "For all the times I have worked for you, fought for you AND saved you. You replace me with some 15 year old?!"

"Relax Jack you're not that much older, only 17. You should be in high school right now." I calmly said.

"I left high school, particularly Wellston because they didn't recognize my potential. They just left me to rot and instead chose some other bitch with a defense ability as the fucking King and not me." Jack started to remember.

"Well he is the King now and he is MUCH stronger than him."

"I don't care, what matters is that YOU'RE REPLACING ME!" Jack barked "I don't care how strong or powerful he is I AM NOT GETTING REPLACED!"

"And you won't," I started. "If you can defeat him, take the abilities he has stolen to me, then I won't replace you. I'm FACT I'll make YOU the new head of EMBER and it can be a puppet organization to DARKLORD."

"So basically defeat him?" Jack simply stated.

"Yes, prove to me you are still strong and capable and I'll give you a promotion."

"Huh, you scared me for a second." Jack blurted.

"If you really weren't THAT powerful I would have discharged you when I bought Spectre and made it a puppet, remember you use to be part of that group." I reminded him.

I closed up the binder and it out away. I then say back down and got some paperwork out.

"Spectre experimented on me and I can never forgive that." Jack stated.

"You can't get your revenge now since you'll be basically attack the same group you fought for, however you can take out your rage on some wannabe who wants to steal your position from you." I began signing some documents and clipping them with a stapler.

"OK sounds like fun!" Jack smiled.

"His name is Emerson and his ability is Energy Manipulation, he can manipulate ANY form of energy so be careful." I warned.

"I'll be alright Mr. CEO, besides he just needs to be put in his place."

"He already took Seraphina's AND Skyla's abilities which were targets of both us and EMBER, so if you want you can have your fine with them." I added "Just to you know release some stress. It'll be fun."

Jack started to walk out the room and scoffed "Unlike you, I don't rape my victims nor would I rape anybody for anything. I'm not sick in the head like that."

"Being sick in the head is what keeps our organization together." I stated as I began to read some more paper work.

"I'll be back Mr. CEO, you'll see you won't want this brown haired bitch."

Jack left harshly and smiled knowing that what I actually wanted would be accomplished.

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